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Learn the Three Secrets of Fast, Effective, Natural Healthcare
by Steven Horne
As health care and insurance costs continue to skyrocket people are being forced to go to the doctors listed on their plan, even if they aren’t the doctors of their choosing. Accountants, not doctors, are determining the best treatments for people.
A health care system that is focused primarily on managing disease for profit rather than promoting health and improving our quality of life is inspiring many people to take responsibility for their own healthcare.
At one time, most parents knew how to treat common injuries and illnesses at home. It was a necessity.
Today, we are prompted everywhere to trust even basic health care only to doctors. Our knowledge and confidence in our ability to care for our loved ones has been forgotten or compromised. But it’s possible to change all that.
It’s time to take charge of your family’s health care. Become the Primary Healthcare Provider in Your Home. Join us on a free telephone conference call August 3rd.
I’m Steven Horne (aka “The Herb Guy”). I’m a Registered Herbalist with and a past president of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG). I’m the author of numerous books and courses on herbs and natural healing and have lectured on this subject all over the world. I’m also the father of five children, who have all been raised on natural remedies. And because I learned how to provide primary health care to my children at home, I’ve only had to make three visits to a medical doctor for illness with my five children.
Not only that, I’ve found that I could get my children well faster the natural way than I could using modern medicine.
For instance, I’ve relieved colds in as little as a couple of hours, and nearly always in less than 24. In fact, I’ve taken care of earaches, sore throats, headaches and stomachaches, many times in just a few hours. I’ve also relieved the pain and reversed the damage from bumps, bruises, sprains, cuts, insect bites and stings, and other minor injuries—typically in only 5-20 minutes.
It’s Easy to Learn How to Take Care of Common Ailments Quickly.
The techniques I teach don’t require a Ph.D. to understand and use—they are easy for anyone to learn and apply. I’d like to help you can rediscover what our grandparents knew and learn how to overcome many health problems in less time than it takes to get an appointment to see the doctor. This knowledge can save you dozens of doctor visits.
Switching to Natural Remedies Isn’t Enough
When I first started experimenting with natural remedies, the results I got were haphazard and inconsistent. That’s because I was applying natural remedies using an allopathic model. In other words, I was trying to use herbs as substitutes for drugs. I didn’t understand that natural healing is different from modern medicine.
It wasn’t until I acquired a new understanding of health and disease that I started to be able to get dependable, consistent results with natural remedies. In other words, I had to stop thinking like an allopath and start thinking like a naturopath.
And that’s what I’d like to share with you.
Learn the Three Keys that Gave Me the Ability to Get Consistent Results with Natural Remedies on August 3rd at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6::00 PM Pacific time.
Although there is no charge for this call, we only have room for 197 participants. Register now to reserve your spot and receive the call-in number and access code. Visit this link to register.