Susie Grimmett, APP Holistic Health Practitioner
1742 Herlong Village Dr.,Suite 102, Rock Hill, SC 29732
*Located behind Fatz restaurant, at the intersection of Herlong and 901, in the same plaza with Domino's.
Phone: 803-366-8070
Health Choices offers:
- Polarity Therapy
- Aqua-Chi Detoxifying
- Herbal Supplements
- Nature's Sunshine Products
- Vitamins
- Organic Healthy Snacks
- Ear Candling

Hello from Health Choices!
I just wanted to keep everyone informed about the next class. We have had so many demands for another class so I had to get on the ball! In the past we taught about the colon, the function and how to keep it healthy. Since then, many of you have asked about the energetic balancing classes and when they will begin.
We will start this series of classes June the 3rd. I am not sure at this time how many classes will be included on this subject, but I want to cover a full spectrum on energetic balancing. Your body has natural healing abilities. When the energy is blocked or not flowing correctly, the healing process will be affected. The cost for each class will be $20.00. Please call to reserve your seat as they are limited. These classes will be held at Health Choices.
Hope to see you soon!
Susie Grimmett

Aqua-Chi - Detoxifying System:
"Getting the issues out of the Tissues"
Today we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet. It builds up in the body faster than ever before, resulting in a greater incidence of allergies, mental and physical problem.
The Aqua-Chi provides a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins, without a healing crisis. It has been proven effective for many ailments.
A positive polarity, generates a negative ion flow which, raises blood pH from acidic toward alkaline. Approximately 95% of people in this culture experience a state of acidity; that is, their bodies contain an excess of hydrogen ions.
The ions generated by the Aqua-Chi travels through the body attaching themselves to multitude of toxic substances and then removing them through the pores of the feet. Each foot has more than 2000 pores per foot.
The practitioner starts by placing your feet in a container of warm water, the module and a small amount of sea salt. When the Aqua-Chi is set, it results in the product of negative ions in the water. The approximate time for an average session is 35 minutes.
Polarity Therapy:
"Going Wireless"
Polarity therapy is a holistic healing system that works with this "life energy" in all its forms, using a comprehensive system of bodywork, exercise, nutritional guidance and verbal couseling. The goal of polarity therapy is to realign and unite body, mind, spirit and emotions into harmony and vibrant health.
Polarity therapy is based on the premise that we are fields of pulsating life energy made up of specific frequencies know as the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth. Each element relates and flows in a balance of positive and negative attractions arising from a neutral center.
When these currents are flowing, without significant blockage, we are functional, healthy and our thoughts and emotions are in alignment with our soul's truth (the source). When the currents are blocked, our thoughts, emotions and body are out of alignment with the energy necessary to meet a life challenge. When we have moved away from source; energy imbalances appear in the form of physical pain, emotional distress and disease.
Polarity practitioners use their hands to scan the body and energy currents surrounding the body in order to identify and release blocks and restrictions. They effectively "jump start" the system, much like charging a battery or switching a circuit breaker.
Ear Coning (Candling):
Ear candles are used to clean the ears and are believed to help with various ear disorders. Using ear candles is generally more comfortable and less expensive than conventional ear cleaning where water is forced into the ear canal. The practice of using ear candles is actually an ancient art orginating from countries such as China, Czechoslavakia, Mexico and Italy.
Many people use ear candles. Chronic ear problems seem to benefit with frequent treatment. When using ear candles, the small end of the candle is put into the ear and the other end is lit. As the candle burns, smoke travels into the ear canal, gently warming the earwax and creating a gentle vacuum. The vacuum dislodges the wax or foreign debris and pulls it into the ear candle. Many report this as being a rather pleasant sensation. Most often, an improvement in hearing is reported after using an ear candle.
Ear candles should not be used if the eardrum is perforated or if the person has tubes in the ears.
Susie Grimmett is an NSP distributor in my successline. I hope you will all visit her store in the future.