TAB BENOIT ~Thursday May 19, 2006 ~ Charlotte, NC
What about some "Nutrition for the soul"!!!

(Tab's back in town)
Hello to Everyone in Charlotte, NC!
I Just wanted to give you all a heads up on a live performance here in Charlotte, NC, at the Double Door Inn, on Independence (across from the college downtown Charlotte, NC) Friday, May 19, 2006.
If you dig the Blues you will LOVE Tab Benoit!!! . This is one show we never miss. Lucky for us Tab comes to town about 2 or 3 times a year.
Not a big blues fan? I bet you love Tab anyway!!!
If you are here in town this Friday May 19th, and would like to enjoy a great live performance in a very close up & down home experience join us at the Double Door.
The show begins about 10:00 pm. Come early for seats.
If you do not live in Charlotte, NC and would like to see Tab perform in a city near to you, check out his web site tour schedule.
Check out Tab's Voice of the Wetlands VOW site
Tab is NOT just another pretty face!!! Open your ears when he begins to share with you about what is REALLY happening (or should I say NOT happening) in Louisiana. His music tells the story and his public voice is strong for what he believes in and for what he is passionionate about. Open those ears wide boys and girls....If we do not listen to his message we will loose something so precious the devastation will be felt around the world.
Hell... if Tab runs for office. I'm voting for him!!!! Anyone else out there agree??? I can't think of anyone elses hands I'd rather be in. (and not just cause he's so sexy gals :)
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Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager
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