The Eflash has a much different tone. Most of us have sat by and believed our Health Freedom is somewhat secure. This is not the case and we are in the last mile. Codex is real and will affect all of us sooner than we can imagine. Dick and Joyce Williams put together an article explaining in detail what you may not know about Codex. Please take the time to read this - it is your life that it will affect.
With All Sincerity,
Dr. Jack and Chris Ritchason
and the Back to Herbs Team
HEALTH FREEDOM versus CODEX -The Fight For Your Life!
Codex Alimentarius has been called "the silent stalker of your health freedom." It is not going to simply give up and go away of its' own accord. We, once again, have the ongoing fight of our life to deal with. Codex is a shrewd method our government and Big Pharma (the FDA and the FTC) and the WTO(World Trade Organization) plan to use for protecting the pharmaceutical industry from the financial losses and controls that will ensue as the growth of natural healthcare and its' proponents continue to escalate. Repeating a quote of President Woodrow Wilson in 1912, "We have come to be…one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world – no longer a government of conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men…" It's sad that this quote holds true today, almost one hundred (100) years after it was spoken.
Americans are paying a huge price for a broken health care system. The USA owns the most expensive healthcare system in the world, and yet it is largely one of the least effective systems among the modern nations. Members of the European Union are experiencing the drawbacks and political ramifications of a government controlled health care system. Now is not the time to remain silent – without you and your voice, there will cease to be health care reform that incorporates natural health principles. Your monetary contributions are needed to provide lobbying and financial support. However, your physical and verbal actions to break the silence, stand up, be counted and become a vocal supporter of health freedom are urgent for true health care reform to become a reality. Health Freedom is based upon the premise of life, liberty, and the pursuit happiness, as given to us in the First Amendment. Use it, or you may lose it! It is imperative that we no longer remain silent. We must stand up and be counted as literal Health Freedom Fighters!
Amazingly, in November 2007, the FDA released a 60-page report entitled FDA Science and Mission at Risk. In this report, the FDA acknowledged that it lacks the competency and capacity to keep up with scientific advances. They admit that Americans are suffering and dying because they do not have the scientific ability to determine whether new drugs are safe or effective or to evaluate scientific claims. After admitting to their inability to effectively make scientific decisions, the FDA continues to censor scientific information and opposes/bans less expensive and often more effective natural remedies in a effort to maintain control and monopoly over FDA approved chemical drugs.
DSHEA, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, was signed into law in the United States in 1994. This legislation defines supplements as foods. There are members of congress who are fighting to overturn DSHEA. If protective laws, such as DSHEA, are defeated and destroyed, the powers of the WHO will supersede our own and it will become impossible to escape CODEX. If CODEX is implemented in the USA, therapeutic dosages of vitamins and minerals will become unavailable because they will literally become illegal to purchase or sell. It is up to us to put pressure on Congress and the newly elected administration of Barack Obama to preserve and protect our health freedom choices.
In the next four (4) paragraphs, I have taken the privilege to condense and paraphrase extremely timely information that appears in an article by Deepak Choppa, Dean Ornish, Rustum Roy, and Andrew Weil in The Wall Street Journal on January 9, 2009. The article is titled "'Alternative' Medicine Is Mainstream."
President-elect Barack Obama unveiled his proposed health plan during his campaign. He stated, "This nation is facing a true epidemic of chronic disease. An increasing number of Americans are suffering and dying needlessly from diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and HIV/AIDS, all of which can be delayed in onset if not entirely." Mr. Obama and former Senator Tom Daschle (the nominee for Secretary of Health and Human Services) appear to understand that if we want to make healthcare affordable and available to the 45 million Americans who have no health insurance, we then need to address the fundamental causes of health and illness, and provide incentives for healthy ways of living rather than reimbursing only drugs and surgery.
Health conditions that are largely preventable or reversible through dietary changes, such as heart disease, diabetes, prostate and breast cancer, and obesity account for 75% of health-care costs. The latest scientific studies provide evidence that our bodies have a remarkable capacity to begin healing, and much quicker than once realized, if we address the lifestyle factors that are often the causative factors for these chronic diseases. These studies prove that integrative medicine can make a powerful difference in our health and well-being, how quickly these changes can occur, and how dynamic these mechanisms can be when utilized in the whole body approach. These studies used high-tech, state-of-the-art means to prove the power of using simple, low-tech, and low-cost interventions.
Our "health-care system," as we currently know it, is primarily a disease-care system. Last year alone, 95% of every dollar was spent to treat disease after it had already occurred. At least 75% of these expenditures were for treating chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes that are either preventable or even reversible. Medicare, other insurance companies, and individuals pay billions of dollars each year for procedures and treatments that are often dangerous, invasive, expensive, and ineffective. But they pay very little, if any, for integrative medicine that uses safe and effective natural healing modalities that have been proven to reverse and prevent most chronic diseases. The Lancet concluded from a study of heart disease patients that it is almost completely preventable simply by changing diet and lifestyle patterns.
It is now time for all people to move past the debate of alternative medicine versus traditional medicine, and to focus on what works, what doesn't, for whom, and under which circumstances. It will require serious government funding to make this work. The time for Americans to speak out and make their voices heard is now. It is time to let our government know that both traditional and alternative choice natural health care and treatment modalities can co-exist. It is time to let our government know that we do not want CODEX to dominate our choice of health care and take away our health freedom.
Time to act is running out. Unless the American public wakes up and acts prior to December 31, 2009, CODEX is slated to become a law and will go into global implementation. If CODEX is passed and finalized, it will supersede all US supplement laws. This disaster would be the death of a nation as we know it!
Even as the public is being asked to email forms listing the ten (10) most important health concerns they wish to be presented to President Obama on Inauguration Day, concerns about health freedom and CODEX are placing number eight (8) out of ten (10), with the leading citizen concern being "marijuana for health and recreational use." Perhaps with this type of integrity, American citizens will receive what they deserve – and then it will be too late to change it.
What is Health Freedom? Quoting from the American Association of Health Freedom, "It is, or should be, protecting the right of the consumer to choose and the right of the practitioner to practice." What about this is so difficult to understand? Free men and women should have control over what happens to their bodies and the bodies of their children. Free men and women should have the right to choose their own health path. Free men and women should have the right to make their own health choices as they see fit. Effective, safe, and inexpensive natural cures will greatly reduce our health care costs, while improving our health and wellness. Health Freedom means that the protection offered under the 1994 Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) must be extended to not only supplements, but also to natural health modalities and healing strategies that are supported by the government, not opposed by it. It seems to me this is a no-brainer!
Our Health Freedom is worth fighting for. It is, or should be, the most basic and fundamental freedom of all. The incoming administration will not fight for the true health freedom we want and need, unless we make them aware of our choice. Health freedom is not going to just be given to you. You are going to have to take it back from those who have stolen your choice to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Now is not the time for silence.
Are you prepared to join me in this fight? Do not delay your actions and support until December, 2009. Your life depends upon it!
Your Health Advocates,
Dick and Joyce Williams
Senior National Managers
Nature's Sunshine Products