URGENT! Tell President Elect Obama that Health Freedom Matters! Dear Nature's Sunshine Members, Friends, Family and Health Enthusiasts, As you know, Nature's Sunshine has worked for decades to promote health freedom on both a federal and state level. President-Elect Barack Obama's website www.change.gov is asking Americans to help rate some of the most pressing concerns of our time. Health Freedom has received a tremendous amount of support so far. As Mr. Obama takes office next week, he will be presented with a Citizens Briefing Book that contains the highest-rated topics from this web poll. Natural health advocates, this is our opportunity to send a loud, clear message in support of Health Freedom! We can help create a paradigm shift that could lead to health freedom on a national level with protection for all. Every vote counts! The inauguration is Tuesday, Jan. 20! Please take a moment to cast your vote before then. Then forward this message to your fellow NSP friends and customers! Friends, we have never had this kind of opportunity to affect decisions made concerning our country. Please send this to your fellow health advocates now! Thank you for your continued dedication to true health freedom. Working together, we can all achieve great things.
 Craig Dalley, Executive Director, U.S. Sales (If the voting method above does not work, then sign in (left-hand side of page). After this, you will see a page with a search bar. Enter "Health Freedom is our first Freedom" then click Search. Then click under the title "Health Freedom is our first Freedom" to cast your vote. At the bottom of the page, you also have an opportunity to submit a personal message. |
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