Take Action - Vote No to H.R. 3156
We need your help to put the brakes on a bad bill in the U.S. House of Representatives. H.R. 3156, otherwise known as the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act, would give the FDA authority to ban virtually any herb or specialty product from the market if it failed to pass an arbitrary risk/benefit analysis.
H.R. 3156, otherwise known as the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act, is being touted as an education bill, but would increase health costs and could deny American health consumers access to some currently-available herbs and non-vitamin dietary supplements.
Take Action Today: Tell Your Representative to Vote No on H.R. 3156
In an era of spiraling health care costs, H.R. 3156 will likely increase the price of popular herbs and dietary supplements like St. John’s Wort, saw palmetto, and omega-3 fatty acids by establishing a burdensome and unnecessary set of ingredient and adverse event reporting requirements. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 already provides for the establishment of Good Manufacturing Practices for the dietary supplement industry, and for the ability of the FDA to pull unsafe products. So why are we adding another expensive layer of regulation? This bill hurts consumers’ pocketbooks without making supplements any safer.
H.R. 3156 would also reduce the availability of herbs and dietary supplements. Under current law, the FDA can pull any product from the marketplace if it proves that the product “presents a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury”. H.R. 3156 would allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to ban any product if he or she decides that its risks outweigh its benefits, even if there is no proof of harm. One person should not have the right to arbitrarily deny American consumers access to herbs and dietary supplements that have been used safely for thousands of years. We believe that citizens have the right and responsibility to make their own decisions about health, and H.R. 3156 denies us that right.
In response to the threat to health freedom presented by H.R. 3156, Citizens for Health has created a website to provide concerned citizens with information and a means to speak out against the bill: http://www.HealthActionCenter.org/3156 .
In the Unites States, most people judge the quality of their health care system by whether they have access to the treatments and products they want, and whether they can get them at a reasonable price. H.R. 3156 fails on both counts. Whether it’s an HMO denying an insurance claim or the FDA denying the right to purchase traditional herbal remedies, we stand together in opposition to any legislation that strips health consumers of their rights.
For more information please visit the www.citizens.org site
To participate more in our fight for Health Freedom, check out www.nationalhealthfreedom.org - All are welcome!