Joints have been called masterpieces of engineering because they are designed to permit movement between bones that must meet but not touch each other. Their role is to bind two or more bones firmly together while cushioning and lubricating them enough to last through a lifetime of lifting, swinging, bending and walking.
NSP's EverFlex provides the answer for supporting joint health. It contains ingredients that contribute to the health and strength of joint tissues.
The Structure of Joints
Cartilage covers the joint surface. It is a perfect material for active joints because it is durable, somewhat elastic and smooth, allowing a range of movement with little friction. The cartilage is surrounded by a capsule filled with synovial fluid. Because joint cartilage does not have a blood supply, it relies on this fluid to deliver oxygen and nutrients.
Important nutrients maintain the integrity and mobility of the joint. Joints are naturally rich in sulfur molecules, which bond with other molecules, providing strength, structure and shock absorption. Other important dietary factors include glucosamine and chondroitin. Glucosamine replenishes cartilage and synovial fluid. Chondroitin is comprised of a long chain of repeating sugars. The sugar chains repel each other, forming a matrix in the cartilage where fluid and the nutrients it carries can feed the joint.

Nature’s Answer for Joint Health
Joints undergo a great deal of stress. Sports and other activities can affect joint structure and function.
EverFlex - Stock # 925-5 (60 tablets) - $24.95
Nature’s Sunshine has developed a product that combines nutrients vital for joint health—glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM—mixed with devil’s claw herb.
- Glucosamine is naturally found in the body in joint tissues. As we age, our glucosamine production declines. Supplemental glucosamine, especially when used in conjunction with other key nutrients like chondroitin and MSM, can help support cartilage function and structure. EverFlex contains glucosamine hydrocholoride, proven to be the most beneficial source of glucosamine and the most effective at maintaining the strength, flexibility and elasticity of joint tissues.
- Chondroitin draws fluid into the cartilage, aiding in growth. Because blood does not flow directly to the joint cartilage, this fluid is important to joint tissue. It draws nutrients into the cartilage, increases shock absorption for surrounding bones and supplies nutrients to the cartilage. A recent scientific study reports that chondroitin and glucosamine appear to have a synergistic effect.
(Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am 1999 Aug; 10 (3): 673-703)
- MSM contains sulfur, and the joint uses sulfur bonds to provide flexibility and shock absorption to the joint.
- Devil’s Claw
Devil’s Claw herb has been reported to reduce muscle soreness following exercise.
EverFlex - Stock #925-5 (60 tablets) - $24.95
Testimonies from People Who Love EverFlex
"I have found EverFlex to be very effective in improving my flexibility. Shortly after taking EverFlex, I noticed that my joint flexibility increased. EverFlex is a great product—one to keep on hand.”* —Maureen Human, Idaho
“EverFlex is great. Shortly after taking it, the flexibility in my arms and shoulder improved. Later, I noticed that the flexibility in my hands had also improved. Thanks for such a good product. I know I’ll be using it for my joints and flexibility.”* —Lotta M. Oswatt
“With EverFlex, I no longer need anything else!”*
—Esther L. Theurer, Indiana
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Most of the information contained in this article has been taken directly from Nature's Sunshine's Everflex brochure.