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Monday, April 25, 2005

The connection between your Teeth and Your Health

The Electrodermal Screening Test

For Charts on the Energetic Inter-relations between the teeth and the body:
Upper Right Jaw
Upper Left Jaw
Lower Right Jaw
Lower Left jaw

According to traditional Chinese medicine, a form of bodily energy called chi is generated in internal organs and circulates throughout the body, forming paths near the surface of the skin called meridians. This whole-body network is called the meridian system.

Acupuncture points are points on the skin, usually located on meridians, where the circulation of chi can be manipulated.

By stimulating an acupuncture point on the skin through pressure, suction, heat, or needle insertion, the circulation of chi is affected, which in turn affects related internal organs. But this is not the only way to take advantage of the meridian system. The meridian energy flow also carries with it information about internal organs that can be used in diagnosis. This is the basis of the electrodermal screening test (EDST). The device used in the EDST is the electrodermal screening device, or EDSD, which works by measuring electrical resistance and polarization at acupuncture points and meridians. Through these safe, skin-level measurements, it is possible to analyse the bio-energy and bio-information produced by internal organs and systems.

The predecessors to the EDST and EDSD were invented in the 1950's by the German doctor Reinhold Voll whose name is given to another title of this treatment modality, EAV or Electro Acupuncture According to Voll. Dr. Voll originally developed a system of acupuncture point electro-therapeutics, but he soon discovered that when an internal organ's function or structure changes, the performance of the related meridian and acupuncture points also changed, and that this change could be measured using a device. Voll used a device called the Dermatron, but all similar devices can be used for diagnosis and medicine testing. The core of the EDSD is an ohmmeter designed to deliver approximately 10-12 microamperes of direct electrical current at 1-1.25 volts, a very small and perfectly safe amount of energy. On the majority of the devices the meter is calibrated to read from 0 to 100 such that the standard skin resistance of 100 kilo-ohms reads 50.

Measuring electrical resistance on a acupoint using the EDSD.
There are two cables coming out of the EDSD, one positive and one negative. The positive lead is attached to a stylus with an electrode tip. The doctor holds the stylus by the insulated handle and presses the tip against one of the patient's acupuncture points. The patient holds a hand electrode in their free hand. During the measurement the patient and the EDSD form a closed circuit, allowing energy and information to flow from the EDSD to the probe, through the patient to the hand electrode, and back to the EDSD. The EDSD reading is a measurement of how much energy makes it through the circuit (the lower the resistance the higher the reading). A reading taken with the EDSD is usually described using two values, the initial reading (generally the highest value) and the indicator drop (ID). An initial reading of approximately 50 followed by little or no indicator drop is considered "good". Initial readings below 45 or above 60 and substantial IDs are all considered bad signs. After the initial stimulus (the initial reading) two things occur: cells become polarized, which increases resistance, and the affected cells work to maintain their natural, unpolarised state. An ID is the result of the polarization of cells that are weakened and can not maintain there own balance.

A typical examination with the EDSD begins with the four quadrant measurements (hand to hand, foot to foot, right hand to foot, and left foot to foot) which are measurements of whole-body energy levels. These are followed by a check of the 40 control measurement points (CMPs), one for each of the 40 meridians located on the hands and feet, some of which are traditional and some of which were discovered by Voll. The CMPs show the general condition of everything associated with that meridian, and the 40 hand and foot meridians cover virtually every body part and function, so an examination of 40 CMPs alone offers the doctor a very good overview of a patient's condition. The other points along a meridian are called branch points and are checked if the CMP reading is bad. They offer more specific information than the CMP. For example, the branch points on the two heart meridians include the aortic valve, mitral valve, pulmonary valve, tricuspid valve, conduction system, and coronary arteries. A problem in the coronary arteries would probably affect the circulation CMP and the coronary arteries branch point, but not other points.

Medicine Testing
When a point is located that reads below 50, above 60, or has an ID, various reagents can be tested in a process called medicine testing. In 1945, Reinhold Voll discovered by accident that a medicine placed in contact with a patient's body effects the readings of an electro-dermal screening device (EDSD).

"I diagnosed one colleague as having chronic prostatitis and advised him to take a homeopathic preparation called Echinacea 4x. He replied that he had this medication in his office and went to get it. When he returned with the bottle of Echinacea in his hand, I tested the prostate measurement point again and made the discovery that the point reading which previously was up to 90 had decreased to 64, which was an enormous improvement of the prostate value. I had the colleague put the bottle aside and the previous measurement value returned. After holding the medication in his hand the measurement value went down to 64 again, and this pattern repeated itself as often as desired." [Voll: The Phenomenon of Medicine Testing in Electro-acupuncture According to Voll]

While checking branch points can be used to specify more refined locations of the disturbance, medicine testing serves to specify aetiology and selection of medications for treatment. Medicine testing is performed on any abnormal points that are not balanced. The doctor's goal is to find one or a combination of reagents that will balance the point, i.e. cause the point tested to exhibit a "good" reading and to not have an ID.

Reagent samples are usually sealed in glass containers. The medicine or biological compound to be tested is placed in the circuit of the EDSD measurement. Placing it on an aluminum plate can do this or container attached to the negative lead of the EDSD or simply by having the patient hold the sample. All matter, including medicine, has a vibratory signal, which is distinct from all other types of matter. This signal enters the patient with the current and reacts with the signals within the patient, often changing the reading. A reagent that balances the reading will probably have a positive effect and can be considered for use as a medicine or dietary supplement. No response implies that the reagent would have no effect, and a worsening response implies a negative effect. For example, pancreas CMP readings of a person with diabetes will become balanced when the proper dose of insulin is placed within the circuit and will show a larger ID if refined sugar is put there. In this way medicines and dosages can be tried out without the medicine actually being ingested. This process can also be used to test for the presence of contaminants and allergies.

A good example of this is Voll's description of the case of a patient with chronic pyelitis. Another doctor had prescribed 2 different types of antibiotics, Terramycin and Aureomycin, and Dr. Voll was curious to see if both were necessary and what side effects there might be.

"I began testing and saw that the Terramycin only affects the right kidney and the Aureomycin only the left kidney and not vice versa.... At the same time I discovered that when the patient first held the Terramycin capsules and the Aureomycin capsules, indicator drops for the small intestine and colon occurred as a sign of a disturbed intestinal flora caused by the medications. Furthermore the entire values of the endocrine system, i.e., the values of the Triple Heater meridian, decreased below 50. This explained to me why fatigue occurs again and again after antibiotic treatment since this sort of treatment renders the entire hormonal system temporarily insufficient. " [Voll: The Phenomenon of Medicine Testing in Electro-acupuncture According to Voll]

A theoretical model for medicine testing's mechanism of action has been developed by the Physicist Kuo-Gen Chen. All matter has a vibrational signal, including medicines, other biological reagents, and the organs and tissues of the body. When the DC current passes through the potential space of the medicine, it becomes phase modulated, carrying the vibrational signal of the medicine with it into the body. This vibrational information then reacts with vibrational patterns already existing within the body, resulting in quasi phase matching with constructive or destructive resonance, which in turn brings about an instantaneous change in the subtle energetic properties of the point being measured.

Medicine testing can be used to test any medicine or supplement administered to patients, including allopathic, homeopathic, nutritional and herbal medicines. Most physicians use the EDSD as an adjunct to their practice. Homeopathic preparations, however, appear to be particularly useful. Diluting and shaking an original substance in a process called “potentization”, often to the point where not a single molecule of the original substance remains in the preparation, make them. What remains is the vibrational signature of the original substance stored in water. Homeopathic remedies seem to work extremely well in the EDST because they are distilled samples of vibrational information with information content that are clearer than other medicines. Though it cannot yet be substantiated, medicine testing suggests that there is a similarity between the information in homeopathic remedies and the biological information that circulates through the body, primarily through the meridian system. Research in this direction may eventually lead to the verification of homeopathy's mechanism of action.

The two types of homeopathic preparations used most often in the EDST are standard remedies that are made mostly from plant matter, and nosodes, a type of remedy that is made from diseased tissue samples. Standard remedies were selected because they elicit in healthy people the same symptoms as the condition they are supposed to treat. For example, Allium Cepa, a homeopathic remedy for the common cold, causes a sore throat, runny nose, tearing, and congestion in a healthy individual. Nosodes often work similarly to standard remedies in that they cause a set of symptoms in the healthy but can counteract disease in the ill. Nosodes and standard remedies often have a similar effect during medicine testing. For example, in a person with the cold, there is a good chance that either a cold virus nosode or the remedy Allium Cepa will balance points on effected meridians.

Nosodes are particularly useful in determining many pathological illnesses. For example, if a point responds positively when tested with an Epstein Bar nosode, then that virus, at least in a latent form, is affecting the system associated with that measurement point. When a new virus, bacteria, or any other disease that takes a physical form is discovered, one can easily prepare nosodes for screening and energetic treatment. A nosode, remedy, or combinations, identified by medicine testing can be taken directly, or one can make a "recording" of their vibrational information in pure water or normal saline solution. The effect of original and recorded nosodes is usually very similar, though doctors generally prefer the originals.

One will often find that a medicine that balances one point will balance others as well. It would be optimal to find one medicine that would adequately balance all unbalanced points. Unlike classical homeopathy, which emphasizes single remedy treatments however, it is common practice in EDST medicine testing and treatment to combine various homeopathic preparations. Nonetheless, the goal should be to prescribe as few remedies for the patient as possible.

Allergy Testing
One of the most popular and effective uses of medicine testing is allergy testing. The results of EDST allergy testing have been compared to standard diagnostic modalities (RAST, serum IGE, intra-dermal allergy skin testing, food rechallenge testing, and allergy history analysis). EDST medicine testing of allergies was shown to be as accurate and effective as any of these. EDST results were similar to food rechallenge testing, which is widely considered the most effective of the standard methods. Dental materials can be confidently chosen for each individual.

EAV and Dentistry ****
In his research, Dr. Voll found that every tooth relates to different organs and tissues within the body. For example, the canine tooth was found to be related to the eye, liver, and gall bladder, and the front teeth to the bladder and reproductive organs. So if, for example, someone were to have a root canal in one of the front teeth, that tooth may affect the ovary or uterus and it may in fact be the underlying problem. It is a two way street in that problems in the organs can affect the teeth, and problems in the teeth can affect the organs. So when dental work is done on specific teeth the underlying organ needs to be supported. EAV also is used before and after the removal of amalgam. Silver fillings in the mouth, which are fifty percent mercury, are a very great problem. Mercury leaches into all parts of the body from the mouth. Studies have shown that the amount of mercury in the brain of autopsied patients directly correlates to the amount found in the mouth. EAV can be used to screen for heavy metals, including mercury toxicity. It can also be used to check the effect that root canals are having on the corresponding organs. EAV is the best way to find a cavitation or a hole remaining in the bone after removal of a tooth. Cavitations become a focus for problems in corresponding organs. Dr. Voll felt that 80% of all health problems had major causes in the oral cavity. So this means that the dentist is an integral part of the healing process.

In conclusion, the EDST is one of the most thorough, powerful, and promising modern, holistic medical/diagnostic methodologies. The EDST succeeds at addressing the body holistically for a number of reasons:

1. A standard EDST examination enables the doctor to quickly and safely collect information on 40 different individual systems. In other words, all of the body's individual parts are covered in an examination.

2. The bio-information signal read by the EDSD is a very direct and true description of the condition of the body because the body creates it.

3. The meridian network regulates or at least participates in every type of bodily function, so naturally it is a very good means by which to monitor the function of the whole body.

4. Medicine testing allows the doctor to test any and every type of medication on the individual patient, including those made from herbs, metals, nosodes, or sarcodes. This allows the doctor to explore all types of available treatment and determine possible side effects with no risk to the patient.

Dr Davis has been helping patients with this simple efficient protocol since 1986, the approach allows for the efficient localisation of dental distress emanating from Foci, Interference Fields, and incompatible materials. The energetic impact it has on distant organs and regulation systems allows for simple identification.

The above information was taken from http://www.ericdavisdental.com/electrodermal_testing.htm

Disclaimer of liability: Eric Davis Dental web site is a site designed to inform patients about alternatives to traditional dental procedures and materials. The opinions presented at Eric Davis Dental are controversial and many are disputed by other dental practitioners. Dr Davis expressly disclaims all liability arising out of the improper use of the information provided. Please consult your treating physician or other dental professional regarding these important health issues.


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