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Health and Nutrition with Nature's Sunshine

Not yet a Nature's Sunshine Member? Membership is free with a $40 order. Visit my web site www.herbsplus.mynsp.com Become an Herb Specialist! Visit my Blog for information about classes, webinars and Natural Health Education. Herbsplus4health.blogspot.com

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Location: Honesdale, PA, United States

For Health Enthusiasts worldwide wanting to learn about Health and Nutrition. Join us here to learn about High Quality Products, Educational tools and Opportunities. If you would like to be notified when new items are posted to this page, please Email Me or call me at (817)225-8392 so I can add you to the list.

Friday, April 18, 2014

HC Wellness Center - Don't Forget! April Specials

Don't Forget! all the great deals this month to help your Spring Cleaning (inside & out).
[Specials end April 30]






Want to Make An Easy $50

- AND -

recieve a FREE 60 Minute Massage?


It's easy! As part of our referral program for every client you refer you will receive $10 per person towards ANY service.

Refer 5 clients and receive a FREE 60 minute massage. 

No registration necessary. Referral must give client name at time of service to credit referral program. Subject to change.   




Donna Randolph
HC Wellness Center & Spa
717 N. New Hope road
Gastonia, NC 28054
(704) 823-1577