We hope you've enjoyed Education Week and have taken this opportunity to expand your knowledge and share with friends and family. Did you Miss the Live Calls? Lucky for us, they have been recorded!!!! | 5 FREE natural health education webinars - now available 24/7! If you couldn't join us live, you can view a recording of each webinar HERE. You can also listen to a recording via phone by calling 1-712-432-0453 (enter access code). Please note, this is not a toll-free call. |
Dr. Matt Tripp, NSP Chief Scientific Officer Phone Access Code: 7876408
Meet Dr. Matt Tripp, NSP Chief Scientific Officer and formulator of Nature's Sunshine's revolutionary new AnxiousLess product. Since its introduction in October, AnxiousLess has already helped thousands of people. Come learn all about this brand new product, and take the opportunity to have your AnxiousLess questions answered by Dr. Tripp.
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Steven Horne Phone Access Code: 1447483
The liver is unquestionably one of the hardest-working organs in the body. From digestion to detoxification to maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and more, it's paramount to ensure that your liver is as healthy as it can possibly be. Learn from the incomparable Steven Horne as he instructs us how to support and keep the liver running in peak condition.
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Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel Phone Access Code: 8067844
Ever wish you could tap into the wisdom of a true herbal legend? Join Dr. Jay Vanden Heuvel, former NSP Manager of the Year, as he uncovers a handful of hidden gems among our vast product line.
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Jennifer Hochell Pressimone Phone Access Code: 5889256
Since ancient times, humankind has used pure plant essential oils for their many benefits. Essential oils have many uses: they can soothe, relax or invigorate the spirit. Aromatherapy expert Jennifer Hochell Pressimone will provide you with the key to unlocking the secrets of essential oils.
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Julie DeVisser Phone Access Code: 1544987
Most Americans gain some weight during the holiday season. But the most alarming thing is that many people never lose it! Join Julie DeVisser as she shares some delicious, healthful recipes that won't make you feel deprived this season. Her tasty ideas might even help prevent holiday weight gain!
View recording > | | Visit NSPWEBINARS to enjoy these great natural health webinars at your convenience. | *SPECIAL NOTE FROM YOUR UPLINE MANAGER, KAREN: | Don't miss this great Herbal Education!!!! PLUS, I will be giving Extra Prize drawing tickets for all members and managers in my downline who participate in the webinars. Let me know which webinar classes you participated in (live or recorded) . I will give one Free Drawing ticket to each member for each class you enjoyed. Enjoy all 5 classes, get double the amount of drawing tickets. 1 class=1 ticket 2 classes=2 tickets 3 classes=3 tickets 4 classes=4 tickets 5 classes=10 tickets To get your drawing tickets added to the drawing bucket, Just Email me. For each class you participate in, tell me one thing you learned, from the instructor listed above. Include your name, address, email address, phone number and Nature's Sunshine account number. You may submit each class separately or you can submit them all together, which ever is easiest for you. Let me know which book you prefer if you win the drawing. Drawing date, Noon, December 1, 2013. WIN: One of two books: Aromatherapy for the Body, Mind and Spirit, By Larissa Jones or Coming Clean, Your Guide to Detoxifying the Body, By Steven H. Horne. win or both excellent books! Good luck! Enjoy the classes! and make sure you Email Me for a chance to win by November 30th! Has your NSP Account expired? Your Nature' s Sunshine membership is always FREE. Just make a $40.+ order and it will renew automatically. | Please let me know how I can help you best. Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator C: (817) 225-8392 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! |