If you don't have time to read this entire article I encourage you to at least glance through the summary of the main topics covered, and click on some of the options provided to continue improving your health.
Dr. Oz spent quite a bit of time with Oprah to share valuable resources and information on simple steps you can take to improve your health. Part of his focus was on three big topics: The importance of a good multivitamin, the value of good oils (Omegas), and the all important antioxidants. Throughout the article he offers various options on how to get all of these. However, if you are not getting all that you need through your nutrition, there is a simple super nutrition pack called SuperTrio that has all of what Dr. Oz is referencing. Just click on any of the links in the article to learn more about each of the resources available to you.
Here is some what Dr. Oz had to say:
On Dr. Oz's list is the all-important multivitamin. Dr. Oz says this vitamin should be cut in half so you have two doses. "If you divide the vitamin in half, then you stabilize your dose during the day. Take half in the morning, half in the evening."
Dr. Oz says taking a full multivitamin in one dose is like over-filling your tank. "You want to give your body the right amount of fuel for when you need it. Vitamins have water soluble elements to them so they are quickly moved through your system."
When taking your daily vitamins, Dr. Oz says to make sure to get plenty of fluids. "Wash them down
" he says. "If you don't like taking the pills, you can get liquid vitamins. They work as well. Find something that agrees with you that you can automatically make part of everyday life for you."
An option would be SuperTrio which already has the preset amounts in a ready to go baggie. If you prefer liquid, you can use VitaWave.
Another way to stay young that has gotten plenty of media attention lately is omega-3 fatty acids. If you're relying on flax seed for your omega-3s, Dr. Oz says you most likely need to roast or grind the seeds to release the oils. If you just eat them, you'd need to really chew them with your teeth, which is difficult to do. Other good sources include walnuts and hemp seeds.
One of the most widely reported sources of omega-3s is salmon. But recently many concerns have been raised about eating salmon-whether the fish is wild or farm-raised, worries about global sustainability, over fishing and rising mercury levels. The best way to get around these issues, Dr. Oz says, is to get to the source and eat what the salmon eat-spirulina algae, which has valuable DHA omega-3s. "We can avoid the issues of sustainability because we can get a ton of it," he says. "You can grow algae pretty easily, and it's a much more efficient way of getting it."
If you have a busy schedule, again SuperTrio may be an option for you.
"A crucial part of any well-rounded diet includes one or two tablespoons of olive oil a day in foods like salad dressing," Dr. Oz says.
Another very important thing you need is plenty of foods rich in antioxidants.
But what are antioxidants? Why are they so good for anti-aging?
To explain, Dr. Oz compares apples to apples-one half of this apple was sprinkled with lemon juice and the other was not. While the lemony half remains new and crisp-looking, the untreated half becomes brown and shriveled because of exposure to oxygen, also called oxidation. "The same thing happens to our skin, to our heart, to our eyes," Dr. Oz says. "All of our bodies need to have the antioxidants."
As their name implies, antioxidants do to your body what the lemon juice does to an apple-help prevent the damage caused by oxygen exposure.
While lemons do have some anti-aging benefits-similar to onions-Dr. Oz says there are several foods that are much more potent.
Dr. Oz says one of his favorite anti-aging foods are blueberries. You can tell blueberries are chockfull of antioxidants because of their dark color. "All foods with dark colors in them have some of these really protecting antioxidant chemicals in them," he says. "Blueberries lead the charge."
Other good anti-aging foods include sweet potatoes, broccoli and tomatoes. "[When eating] tomatoes, heat them up a little bit and put a little oil in them. It makes it easier to absorb the lycopene," Dr. Oz says. "Lycopene is another antioxidant, but it has additional benefits as well, which are particularly valuable for the heart."
While he's mentioned many of these antioxidant-rich foods before, Dr. Oz is ready to introduce a new entry to his hall of fame-the acai (pronounced "AH-sigh-EE"), a small fruit from South American rainforests that is often found in the United States in juice. "It has twice the antioxidant content as a blueberry, so it's a wonderful alternative," Dr. Oz says. "Look at the food label and make sure they don't have too many carbohydrates in there. It's available in all major stores now. It's just sort of breaking through."
Dr. Oz says you should eat about five servings of antioxidant-rich foods a day.
While Americans' number one source of antioxidants is from coffee, Dr. Oz says there are better hot beverages out there, like green tea.
Another great tea option is white tea. "It's not new-it's very old-and [has] been used for centuries for healing purposes."
White tea is from the same plant as green tea, but it's produced in a different way. While green tea is made of leaves dried to the point where the tea will be dark in color, white tea is made from an immature plant bud that isn't dried at all. Instead of steeping the leaves, white tea is steamed. Dr. Oz says the potential for medicinal benefits of white tea-beyond a very small amount of caffeine as compared with other kinds of tea and coffee-comes from this lack of drying.
Dr. Oz says you should drink about four cups of green or white tea a day
One of the most talked about pieces of dietary news to arise in recent years is that red wine is good for your health. Dr. Oz says part of the reason is the alcohol and part is resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that comes from the skins of grapes. Vintners add the grape skins back to make red wine, but they don't do the same process for white wine-so white wine has no resveratrol benefit.
"Resveratrol does one other thing," Dr. Oz says. "It turns on a system in your body that prevents your cells from aging. Now think about it. Where do they grow these grapes? On trees on hillsides, right? It's not a very hospitable environment. So those grapes are sending a signal to us that life might not be so good, so why not turn on that cellular chemistry that you have that allows you to live longer and better? That's why we think this has a benefit."
If you don't want the alcohol, Dr. Oz says you can get some resveratrol from Concord grape juice or other dark grape juices, but you won't get as much benefit as you would from red wine. "Eighty percent of the benefit of the wine is actually the alcohol, and 20 percent is the resveratrol," Dr. Oz says. "So it's the combination that makes red wine so valuable."
Of course, moderation is the key when drinking to your health. Dr. Oz says most people should drink about one glass of red wine a day, though some men can drink slightly more because males metabolize alcohol more effectively than females.
Did you know your spice rack is full of anti-aging secrets? Dr. Oz says research shows that cinnamon can decrease blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol, especially in people with type-2 diabetes.
Arthritis sufferers may also find relief in tumeric, a spice found in curry that has also been reported to help prevent Alzheimer's disease, he says.
Paprika and cayenne pepper can help fight high blood pressure and improve circulation, he says.
In lab studies, Dr. Oz says, eating rosemary has been shown to improve learning rates in rats-data that has been reproduced in humans.
Even ginger can decrease blood pressure, alleviate arthritis pain and reduce your risk of cancer. One way to get your daily ginger is from Dr. Oz's "green drink." Get the recipe.
Though fresh spices usually are best, Dr. Oz says they can still fight
aging if they're dried.
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