What is a "Healing Crisis"?
Q: Steven, could you just clarify exactly what a "healing crisis" is real quick for the newbies?
A: A healing crisis is very much like an acute bout of cold or flu. It sometimes happens when you switch from eating junk food and not taking care of yourself to eating better and feeding your body better.
Often there is a backlog of toxins stored in fat or other tissues that the body has been unable to process. As it gets better nutrition, it will start
to process this backlog of toxins and they will start to be released from tissues into the blood and lymph. From there, these toxins have to be
processed by the liver and removed from the body, generally by the colon or kidneys.
As long as this process is done gradually, you usually won't get a dramatic healing crisis. However, if one goes from eating a typical American diet to eating a bunch of raw fruits and vegetables, they will almost always experience a healing crisis within one to three days. This can also happen when one takes supplements that start to strengthen metabolic or glandular processes.
It does not happen when you take cleansing herbs. That is, if you take too much of a laxative and you start to get the "runs" that's not a healing
crisis. Cleansing herbs stimulate discharge, so you're just experiencing the effect of the herb and possibly taking too much.
On the other hand, if you start taking GreenZone and after a few days have a bout of nausea, that's probably a healing crisis.
A healing crisis happens when your liver, colon and kidneys can't handle the load of toxins being released. It may be due to a problem with phase two detoxification in the liver. As toxins are processed through phase one enzymes, they actually become temporarily more toxic. If your phase two system are sluggish and can't keep up, you'll feel sick.
When this happens, you may feel a little weak, dizzy, lightheaded or get a mild headache. You may also get symptoms of discharge sinus drainage, swollen lymph nodes, congestion in the chest, a little nausea or diarrhea, a skin eruption, or in rare cases vomiting.
These symptoms indicate a need to slow down a little on whatever you're doing and concentrate on helping the body flush what's irritating it. Make sure your eliminative channels are working properly. Drink plenty of fluids and take whatever herbs are necessary to help your body flush whatever is irritating it. If symptoms are intestinal, fiber is very helpful. For skin symptoms, drawing or sweat baths are useful. For respiratory congestion, decongestants and expectorants like ALJ may help. Lymphatic moving herbs are sometimes useful, too.
A healing crisis is usually short-lived. I rarely lasts more than 24-48 hours. If you experience symptoms that persist beyond this point, you may need to adjust the program you're taking because it's throwing
your system out of balance somehow.
I would not classify symptoms such as increased blood pressure, severe drops in blood pressure, rapid heart beat, heart palpitations, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, severe fatigue (past 24-48 hours) or edema as a healing crisis. These are signs the metabolism is out of balance and a person's program isn't working right.
I'm actually going to talk about this in my presentation for Leader's Conference.
Steven H. Horne, AHG
President, Tree of Light Publishing
P.O. Box 911239
St. George, UT 84791
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