June 25th Herbal Hour: More than Skin Deep
In this months Tree of Light Herbal Hour, More Than Skin Deep-Creating Natural Beauty from the Inside Out, Steven Horne, RH(AHG) and Kimberly Balas, ND, Ph.D. do an excellent job of teaching us about Nutrition for the health of your skin and All Natural Skin care. Both Steven & Kim reinforces the need to remove the chemicals out of your life and how this will improve your health and your skin, from the inside out. They will demonstrate how to replace these chemicals with nutritious foods and herbs.
With his lesson we will have a good understanding how some of Nature's Sunshine's Herbs can help to improve these health challenges with our skin. Some products we will learn more about: HSN-W, Skin Detox, BP-X, HSN Complex, Herbal Trim Skin Conditioner, Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, the All Natural NSP Natria Skin care Line, and many more.... Need product sheets on these NSP products or others? Just email me herbsplus@mynsp.com and I would be happy to email them to you.
Check out this months Nature's Field Free Ezine on Skin Health entitled Sarsparilla, Volume 22, No 6, June 2006 issue. http://www.treelite.com/NF/2006/SkinCare.pdf
To sign up for this free monthly e-zine visit the Tree of Light web site and submit your email address. This way you will never miss an issue. It will be automatically emailed to you each month.
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Join us for our Herbal Hour Class, Charlotte, NC:
When: Sunday, June 25, 2006
Time: 3:30 PM
Where: I invite you to my home to enjoy this 1 hour video.
4024 Coopersdale Road, Charlotte, NC 28273
Please RSVP so I can plan accordingly. You are welcome to bring a friend.
They Say Beauty is Only Skin Deep....They Lie.
When you have problems like acne, eczema, dry skin, rocacea, wrinkles, psoriasis, age spots, bags under the eyes and so forth, these aren't beauty problems, they're signs of health problems. That's because the health of the skin is a reflection of the health of our internal organs and our overall nutrition.
So, the best way to create healthy, beautiful skin isn't with cosmetics, lotions, soaps and creams. It's by working from the inside, out - improving nutrition and the function of organs like the thyroid, liver, colon, adrenals, and kidneys. In addition, many of the things people use topically on their skin actually cause skin problems (and health problems) in the long run.
This months video provides you with valuable information on loving, cleaning and caring for the kin your in the natural way. Steven and Kim also discuss numerous, chronic skin problems, including acne, eczema and dermatitis, dry skin, rosacea, wrinkles, impetigo, broken capillaries, itching, bruising, age spots and dark circles under the eyes. For each skin problem they discuss the root causes of the problem and the natural solutions, including herbs and supplements, that can help correct that problem.
When you know the real secrets to natural beauty you can improve the appearance of your skin and improve your overall health in the process.
Is Charlotte, NC too far away?
Would you like to teach your friends and family about this topic and others? I recommend joining the Tree of Light Gold associate memberships. This will provide you with all the tools you need. You can call Tree of light at 1-800-416-2887 for more information.
Are you interested in having a copy of this video for your own library? I'd be happy to order one for you through my membership. $25. (includes S&H). Please allow 4 weeks for delivery. Call me 704-588-7638 to order.
Have a Happy and Healthy weekend!
Karen Doolan