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Rock Hill's best Health Choices! Hello to all that took the Reiki Level II Class! I want to take the time to say that I so enjoyed teaching this class! Please feel free to email or call me with any questions. The next class for Reiki Level II will be June the 27th 10 until 4. Class Location: TBA. SUSIE & STEVE GRIMMETT HEALTH CHOICES (803) 366-80701742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102 Rock Hill, South Carolina 29732 Customer Appreciation Day!! May 30th - 10am-4pm Free samples & Drawings. Put us on your calendar! When signing up for a Nature's Sunshine Product Membership, make sure my Sponsor #1741545-7 is listed on your sign up form, so you will join my group in the Nature's Sunshine Family. All Nature's Sunshine Memberships are free with a $40. order . |
There are two nutrients that you have to make sure you have plenty of every day, if you want to minimize your hair loss. These nutrients are Vitamin A and the B vitamins. To digest and absorb these nutrients you cannot use antacids.
Vitamin A:
Vitamin A is a key component to developing healthy cells, tissues in the body, and reducing hair loss. Additionally it works with silica and zinc to prevent drying and clogging of the sebaceous glands, the glands vital to producing sebum. Sebum is an important lubricant for the hair follicle. Vitamin A deficiencies commonly cause thickening of the scalp, dry hair, and dandruff. Air pollution, smoking, extremely bright light, certain cholesterol-lowering drugs, laxatives, and aspirin are some known vitamin A inhibitors. Liver, fish oil, eggs, fortified milk, and red, yellow, and orange vegetables are good sources for vitamin A, as are some dark green leafy vegetables like spinach. Be particularly careful if you take vitamin A supplements, as vitamin A is fat-soluble, allowing the body to store it and making it easy for the body to overdose on vitamin A. Vitamin A overdoses can cause excessively dry skin and inflamed hair follicles, and in some cases ironically can cause hair loss. A safe dose of vitamin A is 10,000 IU or 25,000 IU. Most Vitamin supplements are sold in these quantities. Also take all supplements during meals unless you are working with a Nutritionist that recommends otherwise.
B-vitamins work interdependently and therefore all levels of B vitamins need to be sufficient in order to maintain proper health. Vitamins B-6, folic acid, biotin, and vitamin B-12 are all key components in maintaining healthy hemoglobin levels in the blood, which is the iron-containing portion of red-blood cells. Hemoglobin's primary function is to carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues of the body, so if these vitamins were deficient in your body, then hair and skin would suffer. Fortunately some of the tastiest foods contain these vitamins. Vitamin B-6 is found in protein rich foods, which is excellent because the body needs a sufficient amount of protein to maintain hair growth. Liver, chicken, fish, pork, kidney, and soybeans are good sources of B-6 and are relatively low in fat when they are not fried.
Folic acid is found in whole grains, cereals, nuts, green leafy vegetables, orange juice, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, and liver again. Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and other dairy products meanwhile provide healthy amounts of B-12. Biotin deficiencies are rare unless there is a severe case of malnutrition or a serious intestinal disorder, since a healthy gut produces biotin through good bacteria found there. There is one more important fact in making sure you are absorbing the B-vitamins.
If you have heartburn, acid reflux, or GERD and are taking any antacids or drugs to reduce your stomach acid, you will reduce your ability to digest and absorb B-vitamins.
Antacids make your stomach acid more alkaline, which does not support the digestion and adsorption of the B-vitamins. If you are taking over the counter antacids, you decrease your ability to use the B-vitamins that you eat or take as supplements.
Dandruff Problems:
Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood, it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to an inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate, which in turn slough off in sticky patches and flakes. The condition is identified by: - White or clear flakes on the scalp, through the hair, and on clothing. - Itchy scalp which may be red and inflamed. Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits haven't changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production. Stress, poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections. The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.
There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff. Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.
Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your hair daily until the infection is cleared up.
Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin. Other
Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes. -
Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin flakes, increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft, and increase blood supply to the hair follicles. -
Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair:
Fungal infections of the skin are highly contagious, and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it's important to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes – so that healthy areas of the scalp will not be infected. Washing your hands after brushing, massaging and grooming your hair will also help prevent reinfection or cross infection.
The following herbs and nutrients have been shown to reduce dandruff infections:
Natural Internal Treatments for Dandruff:
Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl Sulfate, Gymnema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of blood sugar levels. The can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels normalized.
Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.
Natural External Treatments for Dandruff:
The following herbs can be used as a tonic for reducing fungal infections on a topical basis.
Extracts of these herbs or a several drops of their essential oils dissolved in aloe vera gel or witch hazel can greatly relieve the symptoms of itching and flaking in dandruff.
Tea tree oil is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections.
Clary Sage
Desert Sage
Ginkgo Biloba
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapeseed Extract
Juniper Berry Essential Oil
Lavender Essential Oil
Myrtle Oregano
Poike Root
Rosemary Tea Tree Oil
About the Author: Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.
Making your own shampoo:
Here is a natural shampoo that you can make:
First collect the following items:
4 oz of castile soap with any scent is that available –
plain, peppermint, eucalyptus.
½ oz of rosemary - stimulates the hair follicles and helps to prevent premature baldness
½ oz of sage – has antioxidants and keeps things from spoiling and is antibacterial
½ oz of nettles – acts as a blood purifier, blood stimulator, contains a large source of nutrients for hair growth
½ of lavender – controls the production of sebaceous gland oil and reduces itchy and flaky scalp conditions
2000 mg of MSM – provides organic sulfur to your scalp, which improves the health and strength of your hair. It also helps to drive herbal nutrient into the skin and follicles where they can do the most good.
One empty 8 oz plastic bottle, or any other empty shampoo or soap bottle.
- Mix the herbs in a mason jar, which has a lid.
- Boil 2 cups of distilled water.
- Add 3 heaping tablespoons of the mixed herbs into the boiling water.
- Pull the boiling water and herbs off the stove. Let the herb mixture sit for 30 – 40 minutes.
- Put the 2000mg of MSM into the herb mixture after 30 minutes of cooling.
- After 40 minutes and the MSM is melted, strain the herbal mixture into a bowl.
- Pour 2 to 2 1/2 oz of strained herbal tea into the 8 oz plastic bottle.
- Now, pour the 4 oz of castile soap into the 8 oz plastic bottle.
- Cap the bottle and shake to mix the ingredients.
About the Author: Rudy Silva has a Physics degree from the University of San Jose California and is a Natural Nutritionist.
Tips Drink More Water.The skin stores around 12% water.It is important to maintain this amount with the correct amount of good fat to keep your skin from getting acne. You need to drink around 2 quarts of distilled water every day. If you are not drinking this amount, just start increasing the amount that you do drink. Drinking water helps you get rid of toxins in the blood and around your cells. By drinking water, you will urinate more and more toxins will be eliminated. You will sweat more and toxins will be eliminated. The cleaner your blood the healthier your skin will be and your will not have a problem with acne. Use glass containers when buying distilled or reverse osmosis water. Try to avoid using plastic containers for water since plastic containers contain chemicals, left in the container walls during manufacturing, which leaches out into the water. If you are drinking fresh juices, you will also be getting water from these juices Drinking sodas is not drinking water. If you are eating fresh vegetables you are getting distilled water. So the more fruits and vegetables you eat the less water you need to drink.
Here's a few things you do to help you drink more water or to make the water healthier.
Find a 16 or 32 oz glass container and add distilled water. Then add one of the following nutrients:
- Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the water. Do not add sugar. A few drops of honey may be ok.
- Squeeze the juice of one lemon into the water and add up to one teaspoon of powdered MSM. MSM is excellent for the skin disorders such as acne. It makes the skin cells more flexible, allowing more nutrients to go into and out of the cells, and its anti-inflammatory. MSM is also excellent in activating peristaltic action and will prevent constipation.
- Put 2 oz of mangosteen into the water. Mangosteen is an over all body tonic. It works on all parts of the body and will help keep you regular.
- You can also choose to add your favorite nutritional flavor to give water an additional value. Chose one of these natural additives for your water and drink this water little by little all day long. This is one more thing you can do to get rid of acne, improve your skin texture or to keep the nice skin you already have.
- Get Some Sunshine. One more thing you can do for your skin is to get more natural light. Expose your face to plenty of sun and air. This helps your skin to heal faster. But don't purposely place your face in the sun, but remaining in the shade and open outdoors gives you plenty of sun and air. At least 20 – 40 minutes a day in the outdoors is necessary for you to get sufficient vitamin D for you daily needs.
Got Stress?
Did you know that negative stress -"distress" leads to disease and ultimately subtracts years from our life. Statistics show that a startling 75% - 90% of all doctor's visits are stress related. The Centers for Disease Control, in Atlanta, sights a significant link between stress and six of the leading causes of death; heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver and suicide. "Fight or flight" is an auto response in which our mind tells our body to stand guard. In response to stress, our heart speeds up, our blood pressure rises, our breathing quickens, and sweating increases. These physical responses are immediate, but there are many other stress effects that significantly impact not only our long-term physical health, but our mental and emotional health as well. Let's look at five of our body systems and the direct affect that stress has.
- I'm a survivor: Our immune system is the main line of defense against disease like the ones previously mentioned. This is our fighting system. When we allow ourselves to become stressed we leave ourselves open to attack. We even become more susceptible to illnesses that are easily preventable such as the common cold and flu.
- Have a heart: Our circulatory system houses our heart, our most vital organ. It allows the rest of our systems to thrive. Our circulatory system cannot do its' job when we subject ourselves to stress. A rise in our blood pressure indicates that our heart, which is a muscle, has to work twice as hard to do the same job. Increased blood pressure leads to increased risk for heart disease. Hypertension, better known as high blood pressure is a primary link to incidence of heart attack.
- Brain Power: Our brain is the "control center" of the body. When the body is not well rested, our entire nervous system is thrown out of whack. For example, when fatigue sets in we are unable to function at an optimal level. Not only will the frequency of headaches increase but accidents as well. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration officially recognize stress as a leading cause of worksite injuries. Additionally, the Department of Transportation reports that 71,000 deaths annually can be attributed to fatigue.
- Skin Deep: The skin is our body's largest organ! It is our outer covering- the very first thing others see. Whatever is going on inside will show itself on the outside. Stress tremendously affects the aging process. One of the first places we show our age is in fact, our face. Stress can also cause a person to break out in hives, similar to the response experienced during an allergic reaction.
- Break it Down: Stress interferes with the digestion system functioning properly. The process of digestion allows us to gain the fuel our bodies need to run efficiently. Stress causes the digestive system to completely shut down. If your stomach is in knots because of stress, you can experience one of the two signs that let you know your system is "out of order" - diarrhea or constipation.
About the Author: Charlotte Williams, H.Ed.
This email was sent to me by Susie & Steve Grimmett. Not only do they have a wonderful store in Rock Hill, SC they are an excellent source of wisdom to all who are learning how to use Natural Health and Nutrition to better their health and their lives. If you have the opportunity to visit the store, tell them Hi from me. They are doing a fabulous job teaching and sharing all they have learned. ~ Karen Doolan, NSP District Manager & Natural Health Educator
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