We now accept insurance Flex Cards at Health Choices!
Health Choices is located at
1742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102, Rock Hill, SC 29732
(803) 366-8070
REIKI LEVEL 1 class :
Class will be on Saturday May the 2rd, 2009
From 10:00 until 4:00
It will held at a church called "The Body".
It is located at 2115 Ebenezer Rd Rock Hill SC
Hello All,
I have decided to teach Reiki level one again.
I taught this class Oct of 2008.
I have had many calls asking me about certification on the classes that I give. The only way that I can give a certificate is to choose a energetic modality such as Reiki.
Many of you could not take the class at the time, and have asked me to repeat it. My goal is to teach Reiki level 1 again, then have both classes return for Reiki level 2 at a later date.
This class can be used as CEU'S also.
Taking a class in Reiki may be the single best gift you can give yourself or your loved ones, whether they walk on two legs or four, swim or fly.
The ability to facilitate Reiki is the gift that keeps on giving, it is easy to learn, and offers a lifetime of benefits. Imagine being able to accelerate healing when sick, being able to relieve the pain of an injury, heal feelings of anger, fear, grief, or decrease discomfort after surgery! All of this is possible with Reiki. Reiki, pronounced Ray-key, means "Universal Life Force Energy" in Japanese
It is a simple, gentle, yet powerful energy healing modality that can create profound healing results,
balance the energetic body, and promote harmony on all level.
Absolutely! Reiki is everyone's birthright - you can learn to do Reiki in a one- or two-day class setting.
Reiki can not be learned by simply reading about it. To become a Reiki practitioner,
you must be attuned by a Certified Reiki Master.
Anyone can learn to do Reiki. Reiki pracitioners and therapists are people who have become certified in Reiki by attending classes or trainings
given by a qualified and certified Reiki Master.
The Reiki always assists the area of greatest need within each person and directs the energy to go where needed.
Therefore, its use is very individual. In each person, Reiki will work on the physical, emotional, and mental levels to bring body, mind and spirit into balance.
Reiki does not impose healing on others, rather it helps each person to help heal himself.
Is Reiki a religion?
No, it is spiritual but not a religion. While Reiki is not religious and it is practiced by people of all religious persuasions as well as those with no religious convictions,
the issue of Reiki and Christianity is one that most Reiki practitioners have had
to deal with from time to time. The energy comes from God.
This is a 1 day 6 hour introductory class for anyone interested in learning about energy healing techniques for themselves and others.
Students who successfully complete the course
will receive a certificate as a First Degree Reiki Practitioner!
Lesson Contents:
About Healing Energy About Attunement
Using Reiki Self Treatment
reating Others The Treatment
Reiki Finish Hand Positions
Reiki Hands Posture Reiki
Hand Placements Additional hand positions
More ways to apply Reiki Mikao Usui
Expanding on the Reiki Principles
Treatment and Ethics Review
Reiki Treatment Checklist.
The Aura and Energy Chakra
Date above is tentative: I will keep your posted at the date, time and location. I feel sure that it will be held on a Saturday.
Please send me an email if you are interested.
The cost for this course is $120, with a non-refundable $50 deposit to reserve your spot in the class. If you intend to pay by debit or credit card, it must be paid at Health Choices.
Health Choices is located at
1742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102, Rock Hill, SC 29732
(803) 366-8070
We will not have a way to receive your payment at the class location.
If you plan to attend, all fees must be paid in full, 24 hours before class starts.
Cancellations with 24 hours notice will result in 100% refund minus the deposit.
A little about my Reiki training:
I was trained from 1991 until 1999 when I became a "Reiki Master Teacher".
I have been blessed to have had such great teachers in my life.
As you can see below the linage go back to Dr. Usui
·1922 Dr. Mikao Usui (Born 1865)
· 1925 Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
· 1938 Mrs. Hawayo Takata
· 1973-1980 Iris Ishikura
(One of the 21 Masters trained by Mrs. Takata)
For students of the first class, please get into touch with me to in order to receive practice forms for each person that you may have worked on or will work on.
I would prefer that you have experienced Reiki on at least 10 people before taking Reiki level 2.
This can include family members and friends.
Health Choices is located at
1742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102, Rock Hill, SC 29732
(803) 366-8070
This message was sent to me from Susie Grimmett APP, Holistic Health Practitioner, at Health Choices. Susie is a Nature's Sunshine manager in my successline who has a wonderful natural health store in Rock Hill, SC. I have posted the information from her newsletter here and hope that if you are interested in Reiki that you will contact her to ask her questions regarding this terrific class she is offering. Drop by and see Susie & her husband Steve at their store and enjoy all the great knowledge they have to offer.
No matter where you live, if you are a member in downline and have events and newsletters you would like for me to post, please email or call me. I would be happy to add your information to my blog to help build your business and get the information out to those who are interested.
Share the Health, 
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
Charlotte, NC
O: 704-966-6645
H: 704-588-7638
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