April marks the official launch of our new Sunshine 500 program. This program allows a Manager to develop two Members as Managers at the same time. If each of these Members earns at least 500 QV in a month and sponsor two or more new members, they are considered Managers for that month, and they qualify for special cash bonuses!
During the pre-launch in March, 611 teams were signed up, which means we anticipate over 1,200 new Sunshine 500 Managers if they reach their goals! |
Sunshine500 allows you to achieve Manager status earlier!
Your upline Manager pairs you with another Member in his/her group. If you both earn at least 500 QV in a month and sponsor two or more new Members, you are both considered Managers for that month and qualify for special bonuses.
What Do I Get?
Higher Commissions and Extra Bonuses!
Any month when both Members in a pair qualify, you are both granted Manager status!
Manager-level rebates and commissions
An EXTRA $50 bonus per month
Plus, when you both qualify for three consecutive months, you'll both receive an ADDITIONAL $100 bonus!
How May I Participate?
Registration April 1–July 31, 2009.
Your upline Manager may call Customer Service to register his/her Members in pairs. You will be paired with another Member in your Manager's group who is in a different "line."
What Must I Do?
While you are still eligible for all normal NSP pay, perks and promotions, once you're registered in Sunshine 500 you are uniquely eligible to become a Manager through this program. In order for this to happen, BOTH you AND the Member you are paired with must:
If either of the paired Members fails to achieve both requirements in a given month, then normal compensation plan rules will apply.
Break Out as a Manager with Just 500 QV!
How Long Does the Program Last?
April 2009–June 2010
Managers may register Member pairs beginning April 1, 2009. Registration will close July 31, 2009. As long as a Member pair is registered AND has at least one month of pair qualification by the end of July, you may continue to participate in the program through June 2010.
Note: Each Member's Group QV requirement will increase from 500 QV
Members in my Downline - Please let me know if you are interested in being paired with someone!
Share the Health, 
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
O: 704-966-6645
H: 704-588-7638
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