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Serious Health Dangers Lurk In Your Soaps, Shampoos, Toothpastes, Cosmetics, and Household Cleaners
By Greg Ciola
Do You Think These Products Are Safe?
In a day and age when a large number of Americans have a heightened fear of terrorism and other health related issues, many people are unaware of another serious health threat coming from toxic and poisonous chemicals we are assaulted with regularly from such things as: soaps, shampoos, shaving creams, deodorants, toothpaste, mouthwash, skin creams, cosmetics, hair sprays, etc
The whole country is concerned about potential terrorists using chemical weapons that could kill and disable thousands or even millions. However, most of us are oblivious to the untold number of victims who are adversely affected each year by a silent form of chemical warfare that is taking place every day within the comfort of our homes. We are literally poisoning ourselves to death with thousands of toxic chemicals which are known carcinogens and hormone disrupters. Let me show you what I mean.
*A typical day for a man often starts like this:
He rolls out of bed in the morning and gargles with mouthwash. He lathers up his face with shaving cream and then shaves. He turns on the tub and takes a hot shower. While in the shower he scrubs his hair with shampoo and washes his face and body with soap. After his shower, he brushes his teeth, puts on deodorant, applies hair gel or
hair styling products and then slaps on some aftershave or cologne. Now, at last, he's ready to start his day.
*A typical day for a woman will start much the same way. However, after her bath or shower, she usually applies cream, then facial moisturizer, makeup, lipstick, eyeliner, hair spray and perfume. In just this short time span, they have both swallowed, inhaled and absorbed (through their skin) hundreds and perhaps thousands of toxic chemicals – some of which have even been proven to be deadly to laboratory animals.
Might this be the reason that so many people suffer from such things as dry flaky skin, persistent skin irritations and rashes, sinus problems, allergies, asthma, respiratory ailments and other health related problems that doctors and medicine just don't ever seem to cure? Perhaps it's time we looked at the chemical warfare that is taking place with these toiletries and cosmetic items, and the deleterious effects they may be having on our overall health. The time has come when exercise and diet alone are not enough to keep your health in check. You must now monitor and regulate every aspect of your life – from what you put on your body to what you put into your body, and even to what you use to clean your house.
A Closer Look at Our Daily Routines!
Let's examine the harmful effects of a typical morning routine a little closer. As you go into the bathroom and grab the mouthwash, you probably pay no attention to the fact that it could be detrimental to your health.
For instance, have you ever taken a good hard look at the warning on the bottle?
On the front of the package you will probably see a statement like this: "This Package For Households Without Young Children."
Why do you think that warning is on the product?
It's because a child can die if they accidentally swallow too much. Yet you have been convinced by good marketing techniques that such products are good for you.
The warning on the back of the label will say something to this effect:
"If you accidentally swallow more than used for rinsing, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately."
These warnings wouldn't be on the packaging if poison control centers hadn't already treated patients who have encountered problems. Did a slick ad or fancy TV commercial convince you that this is what you need to kill bad breath? Granted, your breath may not smell, but what have you done to your immune system and stomach acids? Could there be any correlation between the use of mouthwash and an epidemic known as acid reflux disease?
Have you ever asked yourself what some of these chemicals may be doing over time to your esophagus and stomach lining? Chances are that it is not very good.
Let's take a closer look at shaving. Many shaving creams don't even list the ingredients on the label under the guise of the formula being a "trade secret." If the ingredients are listed you'll find a host of toxic chemicals in the form of propane, fragrance isobutene, dyes, propylene glycol and much more.
When you shave, your pores and hair follicles open up and allow these chemicals to more readily absorb into your skin where they are then sent directly into your tissues, organs and cells. If you happen to nick your face or legs while shaving, these chemicals get a one-way ticket directly into your blood stream as if they were injected. Then when you are done shaving, you apply more toxins by applying aftershave creams and lotions.
Hidden Dangers of Shampoo
Unless the shampoo you use has been thoroughly investigated to be free of all chemicals, it probably contains another list of toxic chemicals; many with names so difficult to pronounce that even chemists have trouble with them. The common source for most ingredients in shampoo is petroleum by-products, coal tar and animal fats.
Here, for instance, is just a small sample of some of the ingredients you can find in shampoo:
Ammonium Chloride, Glycerin, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Octoxynol, Fragrance, Tetrasodium EDTA, Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, Blue 1, Yellow 5, Red 40.
Might there be a correlation between shampoo and hair conditioners and those who suffer from dandruff, dry scalp, balding, and other head, eye, and skin irritations?
Let's take a closer look at the ingredients just listed to see where they are derived from and if they have any possible contraindications.
(Some of the following information was obtained from two books: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients and A Consumers Dictionary Of Food Additives by Ruth Winter.)
1) Ammonium Chloride: Industrially employed in freezing mixtures, batteries, dyes, safety explosives, and in medicine as a urinary acidifier and diuretic. If ingested, can cause nausea, vomiting, and acidosis in doses of 0.5 to 1 gram. Lethal as an intramuscular dose in rats and guinea pigs. As with any ammonia compound, concentrated solutions can be irritating to the skin.
2) Glycerin: Any by-product of soap manufacturing obtained by adding alkalis to fats and fixed oils. A solvent, humectant, and emollient in many cosmetics, it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore, helps keep moisture in creams and other products, even if the consumer leaves the cap off the container.
WARNING TO KEEPERS OF LEVITICAL CLEANLINESS LAWS! Unless a label states that the glycerin derived from a plant source, almost all glycerin is obtained from pig fat.
NOTE: All products at Nature's Sunshine which contain glycerin, contain only safe non-toxic glycerin from vegetable sources. None of Nature's Sunshine product contain the poisonous chemicals spoken about in this article. For a complete list of safe ingredients always used to formulate NSP completely non toxic cosmetic & hygiene products visit my web site (under construction so please be patient with me as I redo these pages) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3) Glycol Distearate: A widely used surfactant made from glycerin and stearic acid. Glycol literally means "glycerin" plus "alcohol." (Stearic acid is also an animal fat and isopropyl alcohol is derived from petroleum.) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
4) Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS):
Prepared by sulfation of lauryl alcohol followed by neutralization with sodium carbonate. May cause drying of the skin because of its degreasing ability and is an irritant to the skin. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an ingredient found in over 90% of commercial shampoos and conditioners. It has been shown to corrode the hair follicles and impede hair growth and has been blamed for many cases of premature hair loss.
The Material Safety Data Sheet provided by the U.S. government says exposure to SLS can lead to a burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness of breath, headache, nausea and vomiting. According to the American College of Toxicology: SLS stays in the body up to five days. Other studies show that it easily penetrates the skin and maintains residual levels in the heart, liver, the lungs, and the brain.
5) Octoxynols: Wax-like emulsifiers, dispersing agents, and detergents derived from phenol and used as a surfactant.
6) Phenol: Obtained from coal tar. Ingestion of even small amounts of phenol may cause nausea, vomiting, circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, coma, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrest.
7) Coal Tar: Thick liquid or semisolid tar obtained from bituminous coal, it contains many constituents including benzene, xylenes, naphthalene, pyridine, quinolineoline, phenol, and cresol. The main concern about coal tar derivatives is that they cause cancer in animals, and they are also frequent sources of allergic reactions — particularly skin rashes and hives.
8) Fragrance: Fragrance is found in most deodorants, shampoos, sunscreens, skin care, body care and baby products. Fragrance on a label can indicate the presence of up to 4,000 separate ingredients. Almost all of them are synthetic. Symptoms reported to the FDA have included headaches, dizziness, rashes, skin discoloration, violent coughing and vomiting, and allergic skin irritations. (Fragrance is a clever way for manufacturers to disguise lethal and harmful ingredients and is virtually unregulated by the EPA or the FDA.)
NOTE: Look for Products with pure essential oils which are non-toxic. These oils are the pure oils extracted directly from the fruits, flowers and herbs. See my web page for great information on pure essential oils. Nature's Sunshine never adds toxic or synthetic ingredients to any of our products. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
9) EDTA (Ethylenediamide Tetraacetic Acid): It may be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes and cause allergies such as asthma and skin rashes.
10) Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate: A preservative widely used in cosmetics. Has been shown to adversely affect livers in rats in feeding studies. It also affected their behavior. It was also mildly irritating in human testing.
(Carbamates are used in pesticides. Carbamic acid, which is colorless and odorless, causes depression of bone marrow, degeneration of the brain, nausea and vomiting. It is moderately toxic by many routes.)
11) Blue 1: A bright blue, coal tar derivative, triphenylmethane, used for hair colorings, face powders, and other cosmetics (see coal tar). May cause allergic reactions. On the FDA permanent list of color additives.
Rated 1A – that is, completely acceptable for nonfood use – by the World Health Organization. However, it produces malignant tumors at the site of injection and by ingestion in the rat.
12) Yellow 5: A lemon yellow coal tarderivative. (See coal tar)
13) Red 40: Many American scientists feel that the safety of Red No. 40 is far from established, particularly because the manufacturer conducted all of the tests. Therefore, the dye should not have received a permanent safety rating. The National Cancer Institute reported that credine, a chemical used in preparation of Red No. 40, was carcinogenic in animals.
In rats, a high oral dose of the coloring caused adverse reproductive effects. It has been shown to cause skin sensitivity and irritation. Absorption of certain colors by the body can also cause depletion of oxygen. Did you know that shampoo problems are among the most frequent complaints made to the FDA? It is evident after reviewing some of these ingredients that we should look for safer alternatives. Washing your hair in animal fats, petroleum by-products, harmful dyes and perfumes is certainly not the answer.
Hidden Dangers of Soap
You probably didn't know that most commercial soap and even some so-called "natural" soaps contain animal fat derived from cattle and pigs in the form of Sodium Tallowate, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, and Glycerin. Just check the labels of all the major brands and chances are you'll find one or more of these ingredients listed. Let me ask you a very important question.
How in the world can you really expect to get clean by scrubbing your skin, face, and hair with dead animal fat? Whoever came up with the concept to use fat from dead animals for soap and shampoo to begin with? Most soap also contains petroleum and coal tar derivatives along with hard surfactants, hard alkyl benzene sulfanates, preservatives, fragrances, dyes, perfumes, deodorizers and other toxic by-products.
Auto mechanics are warned that long-term exposure to petroleum products can cause skin cancer and other skin maladies yet we are led to believe by the cosmetics industry that these products clean and moisturize our skin. As with shampoo, your daily soap cleansing may actually be doing you more harm than good. Look at what one popular soap/bubble bath combination lists as a caution on its label.
"Excessive or prolonged exposure may cause irritation to skin and urinary tract. Discontinue use if rash, redness or itching occurs. Consult physician if irritation persists. AVOID eye contact. If contact occurs, rinse with water. Keep out of Reach of Children."
But don't worry about a thing – your hair is shiny, your skin is clean and you smell terrific!!! Sure, on the outside you may appear clean and beautiful, but inside, your body may be a toxic waste dump full of carcinogens and health-threatening chemicals. The reason why these toxic ingredients are largely being used is two-fold. They are dirt cheap and it is a means for the meat-packing industry and the oil refining industry to get rid of their by-products.
You see, millions of animals are slaughtered every year in the U.S. To just discard the leftovers makes no sense to a rendering plant that can profit substantially from the by-products generated. Instead, slaughterhouse carcasses along with a nasty mix of road kill and euthanized pets are sent off to rendering plants where they are boiled in huge hoppers. Once processed the fat floats to the top and is skimmed off, bleached, deodorized, treated with chemicals, scented with toxic fragrances, and then sold to the cosmetic industry. A similar situation takes place at oil refineries. Instead of wasting oil by-products, refineries process them further and then pawn them off as beneficial cleansing agents and disinfectants.
While there are many natural, alternative substances available that work far better, the large corporations refuse to change because it would cost them too much money. Instead, they disguise their cheap chemical cosmetics with "natural" sounding ingredients that aren't "natural" at all and then make bold claims on the front of their packaging claiming that their products are made with "natural" ingredients. This is all done to simply confuse and deceive consumers.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The best way to strike back is to go through your home and office and throw out every commercial shampoo, soap and cosmetic product you have. It's time we turned off the spigot on this money machine that makes billions of dollars every year for greedy corporations like Proctor & Gamble, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson and other Fortune 500 companies that don't care about your health. It's time to stop polluting and defiling our bodies with chemical toxins that can make you sick.
NOTE: It is time to vote for non-toxic products which help us to better our health. Vote for them by purchasing them. Visit Nature's Sunshine to find excellent products you could replace your toxic products with. At the bottom of this article I will post some links to alternative health building products. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Antibacterial Soaps Are Far More Dangerous Than Regular Soap
There's another very serious problem with soap today that you should be made aware of and that is the use of antibacterial soaps.
Recent research has shown that antibacterial soaps are no more effective against germs than common soap Not only that – there is also another big problem: The overuse of antibacterial soaps is leading to stronger drug-resistant germs and mutated bacterial strains. According to Myron Genel, a chairman of the AMA's Council on Scientific Affairs: "There's no evidence that they do any good and there's reason to suspect that they could contribute to a problem."
Antibacterial soaps also kill beneficial skin bacteria.
Some people contend that a number of antibacterial soaps pose the risk of creating germs that are resistant to antibacterials as well as antibiotics. When a doctor prescribes antibiotics, it is generally for a very short period of time. There are very serious health problems that can arise from the long-term use and abuse of antibiotics. Yet, people just don't make the same association with antibacterial soaps that are now being used by millions of people daily.
In a memo to FDA advisory committee members the agency said, "A search of the medical literature did not reveal any studies that were able to demonstrate a link between the use of a specific consumer antiseptic and a reduction in infection rate..."
In an article that appeared in USA Today on 10/25/05, they quoted Tufts microbiologist Stuart Levy who was invited by the FDA to speak about anti-microbial resistance. Levy said, "There is no place for antibacterial chemical additives in the healthy household."
The main antibacterial additive being used is triclosan in liquid soaps and triclocarban in hard soaps. Researchers report that triclosan is a strong inhibitor of an enzyme present in many microorganisms. This enzyme is also "potentially important" as a target for new antibiotics, raising concerns that the use of triclosan may make these drugs ineffective.
Conducting follow-up testing that closely mirrored typical dishwashing habits and conditions, researchers found that triclosan reacted with free chlorine to generate more than 50 parts per billion (ppb) of chloroform in the dishwater.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota reported as far back as 2003 "Sunlight can convert triclosan, a common disinfectant used in anti-bacterialsoaps, into a form of dioxin, and this process may produce some of the dioxin found in the environment, according to research at the University of Minnesota. The researchers said that although the dioxin was a relatively benign form, treating wastewater with chlorine could possibly lead to the production of a much more toxic species of dioxin.
The study is in press in the Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry." Triclocarban is a close cousin of tricolsan and is known to be just as toxic and dangerous.
In the book "A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients" it says that, "In May 1983, it was revealed that tests for this soap ingredient (Triclocarban) were falsified and that rat deaths were not reported. The reasons for the deaths were not confirmed."
Since your skin is your body's largest organ, the antibiotic agents seep into your body and wreak havoc over time, killing vital bacteria not only on your skin, but also internally. Parents need to be especially concerned about using this soap with young children since they tend to always be putting their hands in their mouth. If a child's hands are regularly washed with antibacterial soap, their salivary glands can easily pick up these antibiotic chemicals and deliver them straight into the bloodstream.
Beware Of Toxic Shower Fumes
Now let's look at the water you are using to take your hot shower or bath. Unless you have an in-house water filtration system or a good showerhead filter that eliminates water toxins, you are most likely absorbing a remarkably high number of dangerous chemicals, such as chlorine, through your respiratory system and skin. When you take a hot steamy shower or bath, all your pores open up and your skin acts like a sponge – absorbing all of the chemicals in the water, soap and shampoo — and then delivering them straight into your tissues, glands, organs and cells. The hot steam also saturates your lungs with these poisons and sends them directly into your bloodstream. Tests show that your body can absorb more chlorine as a result of a 10-minute shower than if you drank 8 glasses of the same water. Shocking, is it not? Some authorities even claim that taking a hot shower may be more dangerous than sticking your mouth onto the tailpipe of a car and inhaling several deep breaths.
In the book, Water – The Shocking Truth, by health crusader Paul Bragg, five hidden dangers of your shower water are listed.
1) Chlorine: Added to all municipal water supplies, this disinfectant hardens arteries, destroys proteins in the body, irritates skin and sinus conditions and aggravates any asthma, allergies and respiratory problems.
2) Chloroform: This powerful by-product of chlorination causes excessive free radical formation (accelerated aging!), and causes normal cells to mutate and cholesterol to form. It's also a known carcinogen!
3) DCA (Dichloroacedic acid): This chlorine by-product alters cholesterol metabolism and has been shown to cause liver cancer in lab animals.
4) MX (another chlorinated acid): Another by-product of chlorination, MX is known to cause genetic mutations that can lead to cancer growth and has been found in all chlorinated water for which it was tested.
5) Proven cause of bladder and rectal cancer: Research has proven that chlorinated water is the direct cause of 9% of all U.S. bladder cancers and 15% of all rectal cancers.
Toxic Toothpaste
Tooth brushing is another area where we're consuming an untold number of chemicals every day. Perhaps the most dangerous and destructive toothpaste chemical is fluoride. Of course, you have heard the propaganda that fluoride is good for children's bones and teeth. The media constantly bombards us with this message. Unfortunately, this is a dirty "white lie." Who cares if they have clean, cavity free teeth if their entire insides are turned into a toxic waste dump? Sodium fluoride is a dangerous chemical that should be outlawed . . .not sanctioned by the government.
Have you ever stopped to read the warning on fluoride toothpaste?
It goes something like this: "WARNING: As with all fluoride toothpastes, keep out of the reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional assistance or contact a Poison Control Center immediately."
Quoting again from Paul Bragg's book, Water – The Shocking Truth, we see some shocking fluoride facts that should be a wake-up call if you are drinking water that contains it, if you are bathing in it, or if you are brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. "Adolph Hitler sought a means to make people docile and suggestible. He discovered that odorless sodium fluoride slowly poisons and makes dormant the small tissue in the brain's left rear occipital lobe that normally helps a person resist domination. Fluoride allows muscles to move one way, but not relax. In large doses fluoride causes paralysis and death… Sodium fluoride is classified with arsenic and cyanide as a dangerous poison and is used in rat poison…
Fluoride has been linked to many health problems such as:
bone and oral cancers in animals and humans, an ability to inhibit DNA repair enzymes, accelerated tumor growth, weakened immune systems and genetic damage in a number of different cell lines…"
Keep this in mind the next time you purchase tube of fluoride toothpaste for yourself or your children. And don't think you will fare better at the cosmetics section of a health food store. Some of the top so called "natural toothpastes" also have fluoride hidden in their list of ingredients. Read the packaging carefully.
Toxic Deodorants
When purchasing deodorants you will find that most of them contain some form of aluminum (a chemical implicated by many researchers as a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease) in the ingredient panel along with a host of other toxic chemicals. If you think that aluminum can't enter your body simply by applying it on your skin, then consider this warning that appears on most deodorants "Do not use on broken skin. If rash develops, discontinue use. Keep out of reach of children." Also, since you sweat more profusely under your arms, deodorants are easily absorbed into the skin. Check out this list of side effects that aluminum has been shown to cause in animal studies.
Blocks potential electrical discharge of nerve cells, reducing nervous system activity. Inhibits important enzymes in the brain. May inhibit uptake of important chemicals by nerve cells. May cause behavioral side effects such as memory loss, loss of coordination, confusion and disorientation.
The next time you roll on your deodorant thinking you are helping to control body odor, think instead that you are potentially putting your health at risk. As with every other product we have covered so far, most people never pay any attention to the ingredients or the warnings of what these chemicals may be doing to their bodies.
Toxic Household Cleaners Linked To Hormonal Imbalances and Genetic Disturbances
Scientists are beginning to link many of the toxic synthetic chemicals that are found in the products we have been discussing with some of the serious hormonal imbalances that many people are now experiencing. We now know that many of these chemicals can disrupt hormone balances as well as have a harmful effect on the endocrine system. Some of these potent chemicals are also referred to as estrogenic compounds, environmental estrogens and xenoestrogens because they mimic estrogen hormones in the body.
Estrogen is a female hormone present in both males and females and plays an important role in regulating metabolism and sexual development. An over-abundance of estrogen, however, has been shown to be carcinogenic as well as cause genetic defects. Natural estrogens called phytoestrogen are found in plants, grains, seeds and other whole foods. Environmental estrogens, on the other hand, are man-made substances derived primarily from petroleum by-products and coal tar.
Many scientists are beginning to see an association between breast cancer and prostate cancer with these harmful environmental estrogens since they mimic estrogen in the body and thus create hormonal imbalances.
Environmental estrogens are found in pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, plastics, insect repellent, hair products, soaps, cosmetics, detergents, surfactants and pharmaceuticals just to name a few. Scientists tell us that our bodies retain these chemical estrogens in fat and body tissue where they can remain for decades. Again, the one thing most of these chemicals seem to have in common is that they are derived primarily from petroleum byproducts.
Most municipal water supplies and many lakes, rivers and streams also contain high amounts of these harmful environmental estrogens, and they have had a devastating affect on fish and livestock. Environmental estrogens also block the production of androgens (powerful male sex hormones). Perhaps this is why the sperm counts of males are now falling dramatically around the world. Some of these suspected chemicals are phthalates, alkyphenols, Bisphenol A, organochlorine pesticides and dioxins.
In the book, A Consumers Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients, the following is said about phthalates:
"Phthalates: A large group of chemical compounds used in the production of plastics, household articles (detergents, cleaners etc.), packages, cosmetics, and plant pesticides…Recent observations indicate some may be mutagenic,
cancer-causing, and adversely affect male sperm."
Sadly, the situation appears to be out of control and these environmental estrogens are now everywhere.
The chemical industry has done such a good job of polluting the world that it would take hundreds, if not thousands of years to purge these artificial hormone disrupters from the planet. Remember this the next time you clean your house, wash your dishes or clothes, or take a hot shower and bathe in commercial soap and shampoo.
How to Avoid the Toxic Landmines
By now you are probably feeling quite frustrated and perhaps even a bit angry. That's not unusual since most people experience a feeling of helplessness when they first hear about how toxic all these products are.
With all this information you have a really good idea of what not to use any more, however... what CAN we use is the really big question here???
There is hope, however! There are many actions you can take and alternatives available to avoid these chemical weapons and rid them from your life. Granted, it may like a little effort on your part, and it may cost you a little bit of money when making the initial swap over to non toxic products if you do it all at one time, but the benefits will be well worth it.You can find many safe alternatives to these toxic products if you take a little time to investigate. You may find a variety of all-natural toiletries and cosmetics at your local health food store, however, you must be extremely discerning here too because there are products in these stores using terms like "natural" and "organic" yet they still contain toxic ingredients. If I have convinced you that this is a serious problem, go through all your cosmetic items with a fine tooth comb. Make sure you read all product labels thoroughly. When in doubt, throw it out!
There is so much more that can be said about the chemical assault we are all under (e.g. sunscreens, tanning lotions, lipsticks, eye make-up, creams, household cleaners, detergents, etc…). Now that you better understand how toxic many household products are, I hope that you will take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your family by replacing them with safer alternatives.
This article was written by By Greg Ciola and was forwarded to me from Susie Grimmett APP, Holistic Health Practitioner, and owner of Health Choices. Susie is a Nature's Sunshine manager in my successline who has a wonderful natural health store in Rock Hill, SC. Drop by and see Susie & her husband Steve at their store and enjoy all the great knowledge they have to offer.
Health Choices is located at:
1742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102, Rock Hill, SC 29732 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I have made a few notes throughout the article and have highlighted all which I inserted in green to distinguish it from the original article.
Below is a sample list of alternative products Nature's Sunshine has which can help you replace the toxic chemicals you are now using. This article really hit home because it is how I began my journey toward better health. I made the switch over 13 years ago. At the time I had the start of tremendous dental problems, a touch of gray hair beginning and severe adult acne to boot. In addition, I was quite over weight and no matter what I did I had no control over that yearly 10+ lbs gain. Little did I know then about how my body was trying to protect me from those toxins by storing them in my fat and throwing my hormones in all directions. At just 30 years old I was really heading for disaster. When I made the changes from toxic to non toxic (in both my food choices and the cosmetic/hygiene areas such as mentioned in this article) my body made a complete turn around and began to detoxify. I helped the detox along with some exercise as well to get the toxins out of my body, and added in some other NSP detoxifying herbs. When I began using NSP products (non-fluoride toothpastes, herbal shampoos, soaps, mouthwash, etc) all dental problems stopped, my hormones made a complete turn around, the acne cleared up completely, and I still have just a touch of gray hair (as if by making the changes I was able to hault the process of graying). I've never had to dye my hair and it is the healthiest it has ever been. All of these changes I attribute to the removal of the toxic chemicals in our home, our foods and our lives and the addition of healthier foods, lifestyle changes and the health building products Nature's Sunshine has available.
Learn about these non-toxic/health building Products via the links below.
SUNSHINE CONCENTRATE CLEANER-32 OZ (The best soap around: clean your dishes, laundry, counters, bathrooms, kitchen and yourself. Strong enough for household cleaning yet gentle enough to bath your whole family and wash your fruits and vegetables.)
SILVER SHIELD GEL (3 OZ) (alternative antibiotic, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal gel with no negative effects on body)
The above products are a great place to begin. For more information about ways to help your body detoxify all the stored toxins from your body please give me a call or send me an email. You can find more information on my site, however please keep in mind I am in the midst of updating that site so prices and links may be temporarily askew. Just let me know if you need help finding anything. If you are not yet a Nature's Sunshine account holder, please visit my NSP website to make your first NSP order. A $40. product order will initiate your free NSP membership. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Share the Health, 
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
O: 704-966-6645
H: 704-588-7638
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