April 2009 Issue: | Product Specials through April 4: | • $1 XyliBrite Toothpaste Promo • April Product Promotions & Specials • FREE Seasonal Allergies Webinar • Sunshine 500 Program • Events, education and more | • Gentle Move: $1 Off, and Buy 4, Get 1 FREE • Stomach Comfort: $2 Off, and Buy 4, Get 1 FREE • Fat Grabbers (360): $3 Off, and Buy 4, Get 1 FREE • To see these and More Specials >> | 
| Dear Nature's Sunshine Member,
April continues our Season of Sunshine with several new programs and promotions headed your way. Take advantage of the following opportunities in April: | New XyliBrite Toothpaste-- Just $1 per tube in April! | Our new XyliBrite Toothpaste is now available! XyliBrite is a great-tasting, all-natural toothpaste featuring xylitol. Incorporating xylitol into your oral health program improves oral health and makes your mouth less hospitable to harmful bacteria. XyliBrite also contains baking soda and silica to polish and clean teeth, along with essential oils that leave your mouth feeling fresh and minty. XyliBrite is safe to swallow and does not contain fluoride or preservatives. We are so eager for you, your family and your customers to switch to XyliBrite that we're offering it for just $1 per tube throughout April! (Limit 5 per order.) Member's Sign-in to Nature's Sunshine's website to receive this special offer, or call NSP Order Sales. Non-members can visit my website to Order Xylibrite today and spread the word, because beginning May 1 XyliBrite will be sold at its regular price of $4.95. | Product Poster and Flyer: New XyliBrite Toothpaste | Stay tuned for some exciting product specials later this month. We're planning some fun and special offers that you won't want to miss! | April marks the official launch of our new Sunshine 500 program. This program allows a Manager to develop two Members as Managers at the same time. If each of these Members earns at least 500 QV in a month and sponsor two or more new members, they are considered Managers for that month, and they qualify for special cash bonuses! Learn More During the pre-launch in March, 611 teams were signed up, which means we anticipate over 1,200 new Sunshine 500 Managers if they reach their goals!
- Watch the Webcast (Streaming .wmv - requires Windows Media Player) | Education Week: 5 FREE Product Webinars | Nature's Sunshine's Education Week begins on Monday, May 4, and continues every day through Friday, May 8. Each day we'll offer a FREE, one-hour webinar/conference call on a specific health topic. Get all of the details and register at HERE . Our November Education Week was a huge success, so register early! Download and share the flyer.(PDF) | Free Webinar: Conquer Spring & Summer Allergies | To participate by phone, press *82, then dial 712-432-0453, PIN 8626# (long distance charges may apply) beginning at 1 p.m. MST on the day of the Webinar. A recording of the call will be available for 24 hours. | Natural Health Education Seminars | Topics covered: • Introduction to herbal medicine • Health implications of Candida albicans • Brain health research of Dr. Daniel Amen
| Cost: $35 To register, call: 1-800-223-8225 - Seminar flyer (PDF) - Learn more | Locations near you: | 4/4 Myerstown, PA | 4/25 Asheville, NC | 5/2 Rochester, NY | 4/18 Austin, TX | 4/25 Marietta, OH | 5/2 Smithfield, NC | 4/18 Memphis, TN | 4/25 Oklahoma City, OK | 5/16 Helena, MT | 4/25 Ann Arbor, MI | 5/2 Albuquerque, NM | 5/16 Pleasanton, CA | More locations | National Convention: Qualifications End May 31! | Continue to qualify for National Convention 2009 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. The convention takes place August 24-28. Enjoy all of the fantastic activities and education and experience the charm and elegance of the Paris Hotel! Learn more about the event and how you can qualify to attend in the members section on the official NSP website!
| TAC Trip 2009: Seven-Day Alaskan Cruise | Manager Tip - Silver Shield | "When I was bitten by a wasp recently, I decided to see what the Silver Shield liquid would do for me. As I dipped my finger into the Silver Shield, it felt so much better. After no more than 5 or l0 minutes, I felt so much better. It's hard to believe this liquid that looks and tastes like water can do so many miraculous things. If you want to contribute a tip for a future newsletter, please send an email to NSPMarketing@natr.com. | "It's a great thing to take on vacation. We have used it for eye, ear and sinus issues to name a few. It helps with skin too. Some people use it half and half in a sprayer bottle with Nature's Fresh. It's wonderful!" - JoAnn Snyder, C.H. Silver Shield Liquid (18 ppm, 4 fl. oz.) Silver Shield Gel (3 oz.) Nature's Fresh Enzyme Spray | View/Print PDF files with the free Adobe Reader This email has been forwarded to the blog by: Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator O: 704-966-6645 H: 704-588-7638 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! | |
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