What is it?
- One FREE webinar/conference call every day for approximately 1 hr
- Feel free to just listen in over the phone, or log on to the free webinar to view the presenters PowerPoint Slides and hear the presentation
When is it?
- Monday November 17th thru Friday November 21st
- Live webinar at 5 pm EST, rebroadcast each night at 8 & 10 pm EST
How do I register?
- Select the appropriate registration link below and complete the registration form.
- Non-NSP member guests please enter "Guest of Karen Doolan #983219-3" in the space that asks for your NSP account number.
- Once you have registered, an email will be sent to you with the conference call number and a link to the Webinar
Please register for only one Webinar each day. Space is limited so be sure to register at your earliest convenience.
If You have missed a call or prefer to participate via phone:
You can participate by phone by calling the recorded number each day #712-432-0453 and use access code 8626#. No need to register. Each day's call will be available from at 6pm MST til the following day at 4pm MST. Each day at 4pm the new call will be recorded over the last call.
- Please call from the same phone number each day
- NSP Members are asked to please call in on the number that is listed on their NSP account to get credit for attending via phone.
- Make sure to listen to the entire call, so you will get credit for listening.
Education Week Schedule
Monday, November 17 |
Going Green: A Makeover For Your Home & Life
Register for this Webinar (EST): 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Jay Vanden Heuvel, Ph.D., and his wife Tracy are Regional Managers from Oneida, Wis. Since becoming a Manager four months after joining NSP, Jay became a powerful advocate for natural healing and continues to grow his business through quality education and dedication to his team. A talented consultant, Jay has helped numerous people obtain better health with Nature's Sunshine Products. Jay's humorous and enthusiastic style, make him a popular presenter with NSP.
Tuesday, November 18 |
Brain Fuel: Nutritional Support for Three Essential Neurotransmitters
Register for this Webinar (EST): 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Steven Horne is professional member and past president of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG) and a professional member of the International Iridology Practitioner's Association (IIPA). He has also served on the board of directors of both organizations. An herbalist, natural health teacher, author and consultant, Steven's work has taken him all over the United States and Canada and to several foreign countries. Steven is the founder of Tree of Light Publishing, offering professional courses, charts, books, videos and other educational materials on natural health care.
Wednesday, November 19 |
Put a Bounce in Your Step: Recognizing and Overcoming Adrenal Exhaustion
Register for this Webinar (EST): 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Judith Cobb has been with Nature's Sunshine since 1981. She is a Master Herbalist, Certified Iridologist (European Constitutional Iridology, IIPA), a Nutritional Consultant Practitioner (IONC), a Childbirth Educator and Certified CLEAR Practitioner. Judith has developed holistic healing courses, taught throughout Alberta, Canada, been a guest on radio and TV shows, published holistic healing articles internationally and given numerous presentations on various aspects of wellness to corporations.
Thursday, November 20 |
Insulin Resistance: What You Must Know and Do Now to Avoid it
Register for this Webinar (EST): 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Valerie Greguire is a Certified Herbalist and Natural Health Consultant. Her search for health answers began at age 18. She discovered a small health food store in Page, Ariz., where she found information that changed her life. After six years of reading, studying and correspondence classes, Valerie started a two-year internship with a holistic nutritionist. She opened a consulting office, working closely with medical doctors and chiropractors. She was introduced to Nature's Sunshine and took Steven Horne's Master Herbalist program. Valerie quickly became a Regional Manager. Some 25 years later, she continues to work as a natural health consultant and as a consultant to chiropractic physicians and other health professionals.
Clell Fowles graduated from the University of Utah's School of Pharmacy with a degree in Pharmacy and Medicinal Chemistry. Working as a pharmacist for 15 years, Clell brings a unique perspective on nutritional supplements and the proper role of herbs and natural products in health. During his time with NSP, Clell has published Drugs and Natural Alternatives and Drugs and Nutrient Depletion. He is currently the Manager of Health Sciences for Nature's Sunshine Products.has been with Nature's Sunshine since 1981. She is a Master Herbalist, Certified Iridologist (European Constitutional Iridology, IIPA), a Nutritional Consultant Practitioner (IONC), a Childbirth Educator and Certified CLEAR Practitioner. Judith has developed holistic healing courses, taught throughout Alberta, Canada, been a guest on radio and TV shows, published holistic healing articles internationally and given numerous presentations on various aspects of wellness to corporations.
Friday, November 21 |
The Art of Herbal Simpling: How to Use Plants Based on Their Personalities
Register for this Webinar (EST): 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. Thomas Easley is a Professional Herbalist with over 10 years of experience. At the age of 19, he opened his first store and began working on his own philosophy of herbalism. Thomas has studied extensively with Steven Horne, Phyllis Light and Matthew Wood—all professional members of the American Herbalists Guild. He has taught extensively throughout the southeast at herb conferences, nursing schools, medical colleges and more. Recently named one of the top 10 western herbalists in the world, he is considered by other professionals to be on the cutting edge of herbalism.
Why attend?
- Great education for you, your success line, guests, etc.
- Featured product promotions, Product Specials and discounts each night1
- Prize drawings2 during every session each day
- Holiday basket with assorted holiday gifts
- NSP Bag with assorted products
- NSP Members* Earn product credit for attending
- Attend 3 topics - earn $50 in product credit
- Attend 5 topics - earn $100 in product credit
- Earn extra Driven to Share tickets3 for November Car giveaway
- Earn 1 extra ticket for each topic you attend
- Earn 10 extra tickets if you attend all 5 topics
- Earn a certificate of completion
- only awarded to those that attend all 5 topics
*NSP Memberships are free with a $40 Product order.
Who can attend? Anyone can attend. This is a great opportunity to introduce others to NSP. You must have an active NSP account to be eligible for the product credit and special promotions.
Please note: Instruct your non-member guests to enter "Guest" as their account number.
Questions? Contact Customer Service at 1.800.223.8225, or call your Nature's Sunshine Sponsor, District Manager, Karen Doolan, Sponsor #983219-3 at (704) 588-7638
1Product promotions available from Monday 11/17 thru Monday 11/24
2Limit 1 free prize giveaway per member per day
3Managers must be registered and must qualify for the November Driven to Share promotion.
Just click on this link toVIEW PRODUCT SPECIALS OFFERED DURING EDUCATION WEEKhttp://herbsplus4health.blogspot.com/2008/11/education-week-product-specials-more.html
Anybody may attend education week, but only active NSP accounts that register with their account number will be eligible for the product credit, and extra Driven to Share tickets. Invite guests to become NSP members prior to Education Week so they can take advantage of all the fantastic benefits!
Please email or call me anytime with your questions or if you need help signing up for these classes.Share the Health,
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Sponsor #983219-3
Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
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