Spreading Nature’s Sunshine in Africa

In Ghana, located in West Africa on the gulf of Guinea, one in eight children dies before the age of 5, and one in five is severely underweight. The country’s residents frequently suffer from malnutrition and are victims to some of the world’s highest rates of HIV and AIDS infections. On top of Ghana’s list of health crises is malaria.

Ghana is Silver Shield®, which has been shown to help
boost and support immune system function. On NSP’s
initial trip to Ghana, clinic doctors were thrilled with
Silver Shield. Preliminary studies on Silver Shield—and
its ability to help combat some of the health challenges
that Ghana faces—are promising.

Ghana. To contribute, visit www.littleheroesfoundation.org .
Nature’s Sunshine will proudly match the
number of bottles of Silver Shield
your contribution provides.

Nature's Sunshine will match each bottle donated. Until the link is in place you can send monetary contributions to the following address, specifying that the money is to be used to buy Silver Shield for Ghana. A bottle of Nature's Sunshine Silver Shield costs $21.35.

ATTN: Silver Shield Donations
496 S. 750 E.
Orem, UT 84097

Nature's Sunshine Products Silver Shield Liquid (18ppm) and Silver Shield Gel are Nature's Sunshine Products which are helping the people in Ghana in the struggle to eradicate Malaria. Read more about this effort in a past post entitled COLLOIDAL SILVER, MALARIA & WEST NILE VIRUS
Please visit http://herbsplus4health.blogspot.com/2008/06/colloidal-silver-malaria-west-nile_8008.html for additional information regarding this Nature's Sunshine effort to help cure the children in Africa and eliminate Malaria.
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