Now imagine your body's reaction to cleansing up your inside. You get rid of all the stuff that's just taking up space and may even be making you sick - leaving health and vitality instead.
Cleansing products from Nature's Sunshine can help you achieve that happy feeling of tossing the "junk" and organizing your life. They may even jump-start weight loss for you. From specially formulated products that gently help move things along to comprehensive detoxification programs, we have the effective, high-quality supplements to support your intestinal health. And when you feel good down there, you feel good everywhere.
Read our feature on cleansing and try a product or two this month. See how great you can feel.
Darlyn Britt
Editor, Sunshine Horizons
Enjoy the Article below for more information about some of our cleansing programs.
by Jody Taylor
Fall is here, and with its crisp days and back-to-school atmosphere, many of us mark this season as a time for fresh beginnings. What better time is there to give your body a fresh start as well? Nature's Sunshine offers a whole crop of products designed to cleanse your body's systems and keep them running smoothly. Whether you have a specific need, or your body just requires a little help on occasion, the cleansing products recently introduced at our National Convention can help you achieve that fresh start and keep you feeling great all season long.
Gentle Move
Gentle Move is an herbal formula designed to attract and retain fluid within the colon. This fluid increase softens the stool and provides important nutrients to this sensitive system.
Gentle Move uses all three of the basic laxative form (osmotic, bulk-forming and stimulant) to gently move intestinal contents through the body. Osmotic laxatives increase the amount of water that stays in the intestinal contents as they pas through the intestines. Bulk-forming laxatives supplement the stool with fiber to increase bulk and water content. Stimulant laxatives encourage necessary muscle contractions along the intestinal tract.
With its proprietary blend of ingredients, Gentle Move provides nutrients to the intestinal system that maintain regular peristaltic muscle contractions, while also providing herbs to soothe the digestive system. This formula includes triphala extract, traditionally considered a gentle laxative, and magnesium hydroxide, a natural mineral salt that attracts and retains fluid. Yellow dock root, ginger rhizome, marshmallow root and slippery elm bark are also included.
Gentle Move is perfect for those who cannot tolerate harsh laxatives or who have become dependent on stimulant laxatives like cascara sagrada and senna. For maintenance, simply take 2 capsules as needed at bedtime. During occasional times of irregularity and bowel distress, however, you may take up to 6 capsules per day for 7-10 days.
"Gentle Move definitely got me moving first thing in the morning - like clock work! I got next-day results without any cramping or discomfort." - Susan Klingeisen, Kaukauna, Wis.
"Gentle Move is wonderful! It was very effective at promoting regularity without urgency. My son found relief within 12 hours of taking the signel capsule." - Blair Woodall, Noblesville, Ind.
Member Cost - $11.50
Candida Clear™
Candida albicans is a natural part of the body’s gut flora; however, certain factors such as stress, weakened immune function, antibiotic overuse and a diet high in refined sugars can lead to Candida overgrowth. When this occurs, it’s time to work on maintaining balance.
Candida Clear is a new 14-day cleansing program consisting of two packs: the Candida Clear Combo pack and the Candida Clear Enzyme pack. The Combo pack is formulated with natural ingredients such as pau d’arco, caprylic acid and oregano, which have been shown to help balance the colonization of Candida. Other ingredients such as garlic, selenium and zinc support the body’s immune function.
The Enzyme pack contains a proprietary blend of enzymes designed to provide support to the intestinal tract. The cell wall of Candida is composed of various components, including carbohydrates and proteins. This cell wall may be vulnerable to the specific enzymes found in this formula.
Candida Clear is a great cleanse to consider annually or as needed to maintain balance. Take one Combo packet three times daily with meals, and one Enzyme packet three times daily on an empty stomach. Don’t forget the importance of probiotics in helping to repopulate your body’s friendly bacteria following any cleansing program. Bifidophilus Flora Force® or Probiotic Eleven® complement the Candida Clear cleanse.
Stock #958-7 NEW! Candida Clear (84 packets)
Member Cost - $67.95
Para-Cleanse is a 10-day program designed to support the intestinal system in its efforts to rid the body of unwanted invaders. In addition to cleansing the intestinal tract of unhealthy organisms, it helps to create a hospitable environment for the healthy organisms that also exist there.
International travel, foreign foods, contaminated water, contact with pets and other sources can trigger the need to address the intestinal system. Para-Cleanse was recently reformulated to include two capsules of Herbal Pumpkin, two capsules of Artemisia Combination, one capsule of Black Walnut ATC and one capsule of Paw Paw Cell-Reg™. Take the contents of one packet 15 minutes before breakfast and another 15 minutes before dinner with 8 ounces of water.
Member Cost - $17.95
Chinese Tiao He Cleanse®
Tiao He Cleanse is a 15-day program designed to help the body achieve tiao he—balance and harmony. This simple program targets the digestive and intestinal systems, supporting proper waste elimination and encouraging colon cleansing.
Tiao He Cleanse was reformulated by replacing the Black Walnut capsule in each packet with a Black Walnut ATC concentrate capsule. The ATC capsule is a 4:1 concentrate, providing the equivalent of 4 regular capsules. Each Tiao He Cleanse packet now includes one capsule each of the following: Chinese Liver Balance TCM Concentrate, All Cell Detox, LBS II®, Psyllium Hulls, Burdock Root and Black Walnut ATC.
This program can be used periodically as needed to cleanse the colon and keep it functioning at its best. Take the contents of one packet 15 minutes before a meal up to twice daily, along with 16 ounces of water. Cleansing the body on a regular basis is vital to maintaining good health. With the highest-quality and most effective cleansing products on the market, Nature’s Sunshine makes it easy to cleanse. Give yourself a clean
start this autumn. Select the cleansing products that best suit your needs, and see what a difference they can make.
Chinese Tiao He Cleanse (15 day)
Member Cost -$22.95
CleanStart® -Tried and True:
Consistently a top 25-selling item, CleanStart is a tried-and-true method
for cleansing the whole body—eliminating waste buildup and toxins within the colon that can affect overall health—without dangerous side effects. Because it is safe and gentle, CleanStart can be used by just about anyone, and may be repeated whenever you desire the benefits of a cleanse.
In addition to eliminating waste and toxins, this 14-day program may also provide an improved sense of energy and well-being. Take one drink mix packet and one capsule packet twice daily with plenty of water to achieve
desired results.
Capsule packets contain one capsule of Enviro- Detox and two capsules of LBS II® to enhance waste elimination, providing 10 grams of fiber per day when taken along with the accompanying drink mix packets. Drink mix packets contain psyllium hulls, bentonite, aloe vera, chlorophyll, potassium, stevia and natural flavoring. Available in Apple-Cinnamon (I like this one best ~ Karen D.) or Wild Berry flavors, CleanStart makes following a cleansing program simple!
Stock #3992-6 CleanStart Apple-Cinnamon (14 day)
Member Cost - $45.75
Stock #3993-8 CleanStart Wild Berry (14 day)
Member Cost - $45.75
Not a Nature's Sunshine Product member yet? To order at members discounted prices, Order $40. NSP products via my website and you will become a member in my downline. Let me know if you need any help with your business and/or health & herbal questions.
Share the Health,
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager
Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
704-966-6645 (note new biz number)
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