| - | Leaders Conference Agenda | - | I-Inspire Achiever Awards | - | Convention Bonus QV and Keynote Speaker | - | Scientific Update and Retail Tools | | - | Cleanse & Detoxification: SAVE up to 25% on selected cleanse and detox products | Product Specials >> | | | | I hope your summer is going terrifically! We are finishing the summer with some very exciting offers and activities and gearing up for a fall full of amazing events and exciting announcements. (See below.)
Throughout the month of August: - SAVE up to 25% on selected products for cleansing and detoxification. Stock up and share. Watch your email for more great specials and offers all month long! And access our FREE informational Webinar hosted by Laurence Smith. Learn the why's and how's of cleansing. Click here for info.
- Members Get FREE Products with new Product Premium Offers! Product premiums allow members to experience top selling or even limited edition products with every qualifying purchase. This month, when any member places an order of $200 or more, they get two free products-Liquid Chlorophyll ES (16 fl. oz.) AND Super Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals. Try something new! (Members only)
- Have you visited our brand new Weight Loss portal? It provides an introduction to NSP's new holistic weight loss program and includes many helpful tools and handouts (journals, checklists, meal plans), product information and much more. Check it out on our new Weight Solutions page.
- Plan Now for Success Week, Sept. 9-14. Looking for business inspiration? You'll find it during Success Week! Top NSP managers will share their strategies and best practices with you all week long via Webinar. Enjoy their insights and advice on different business methods so you can learn to share Nature's Sunshine with your friends and co-workers. It might just open up a whole new world to you! Mark your calendars.
We recently asked a few managers to tell us what's unique and exciting in their world. Here's what one manager shared.
Do something new to build your business!
LaDonna Frantz, Regional Manager from Corydon, Ind., created a special day-long seminar to help her managers and members get the natural health and business training they need to succeed personally and to share the products. Her seminar blends instruction on body systems, cleansing, targeted health care and weight management with a sprinkling of NSP products and discussion of purpose, prosperity and skills. She's charging a small fee, just $20 per person, to help defray her costs. LaDonna promoted her seminar on Facebook, through her weekly emails and conference calls, and at her store.
"Meetings can be tough to pull off," LaDonna says. "But I believe people still need one-on-one interaction and face-to-face discussion. And a meeting environment instills in people more accountability for their health." She's excited to offer a unique new type of meeting and to see what springs from it. | | |  | Check out this blockbuster line-up at NSP Leaders Conference : - Greg Probert, NSP's CEO will share his exciting vision for the company.
- Bob Proctor (author, featured on The Secret) will discuss leadership through personal development.
- Dr. Deanna Minich (nutrition educator and scientist) tells us how NSP can lead America out if its health crisis.
- Leadership guru Steve Farber will help you understand why leaders take action now!
- Musician/comedian Mike Rayburn will inspire you toward leadership innovation and performance.
- Dr. Matt Tripp, NSP's new Chief Scientific Officer, will show you how NSP leads the industry.
- Plus top managers share business strategies and success stories.
- Discover a brand-new product that will help millions of people with nervous system issues.
- And so much more
Register early for the best prices available. Join us in Las Vegas October 9-12 for tools and training that will help you achieve the growth you seek. Take advantage of special pricing options. Click here for details. |  | Members and managers can earn free product, cash and other fantastic prizes. The personalized sponsoring goal you were recently e-mailed is the key. Reach your personalized sponsoring goal between August 1 and Oct. 31 2013 and earn FREE Product Premiums (see above for details) for SIX months, 200 bonus I-Inspire points, the new "sharewear" token (ginkgo leaf/agate) and a bottle of Find Strength Flower Essence Formula. Plus receive a $100 spa voucher or one of the following prizes: a 7-day cruise, $1,000 cash, travel certificates and more! Again check your e-mail and watch your mail for your personalized sponsoring goal. Inspire and Share!
|  | Transformational expert Dr. Mark Hyman will be a keynote speaker at our National Convention in Cincinnati next March! Dr. Hyman is a world-renowned, award-winning leader, medical advisor to The Doctor Oz Show, best-selling author and speaker, and much more. Like you, his focus is the root cause of illness, and he has devised a groundbreaking whole-systems medicine approach called Functional Medicine. NSP is thrilled to welcome him to our National Convention March 26-29, 2014. |  | Receive bonus QV applied towards convention qualifications when you meet your midpoint goal. Watch your e-mail and mail for personalized details. |  | Retailers, check out our FREE helpful resources (poster, flyer, order stuffers, etc.) featuring Liver Cleanse Formula on our retail page. August's scientific update features insights on the importance of taking good care of your liver. Read the update and SHARE it with your customers and clients.
| Have a terrific month, and do something unique!
Doug Jensen, Director of Sales, U.S. & Canada | Not yet a Nature's Sunshine Member? Create your account by making a $40 order on
| Please let me know how I can help you best. | Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator C: (817) 225-8392 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! |
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