| In this world full of air, water and soil pollutants, our body systems can take a beating. Periodic cleansing and detoxification can clean our systems and restore our bodies. Nature's Sunshine offers a comprehensive line of detoxification products to keep the body systems running smoothly. Share this offer with you family and friends. Together we can clean up America! |  | Para-Cleanse contains herbs that safely, gently and naturally cleanse and detoxify the intestinal system. This formula helps make the intestines inhospitable to foreign invaders while creating an environment that supports the health and viability of healthy intestinal flora.
|  | Heavy Metal Detox is a potent detoxification formula with ingredients that bind with heavy metals so the body can safely remove them through the urine and bowel. Scientists estimate that over 50% of U.S. residents are exposed to heavy metals through industrial byproducts, drinking water, pesticides and even dental fillings and cooking utensils!
|  | Yeast/Fungal Detox helps maintain the delicate balance of yeasts and friendly microflora to support the immune, digestive and urinary systems to promote optimal health.
|  | Small Intestine Detox supports the digestive system by providing nutrients to help the body digest protein and soothe digestive tissues.
| 16854-7 | Para-Cleanse (10 Day) $2 off | $20.25 | 20.25 | $33.40 | 16852-1 | Para-Cleanse (10 Day) Buy 4, get 1 FREE | $89.00 | 89.00 | $167.00 | 16853-3 | Para-Cleanse (10 Day) Buy 9, get 3 FREE | $200.25 | 200.25 | $400.80 | 11736-9 | Heavy Metal Detox (90 caps) $2 off | $14.55 | 14.55 | $24.85 | 17584-7 | Heavy Metal Detox (90 caps) Buy 4, get 1 FREE | $66.20 | 66.20 | $124.25 | 17586-5 | Heavy Metal Detox (90 caps) Buy 9, get 3 FREE | $148.95 | 148.95 | $298.20 | 11942-1 | Yeast/Fungal Detox (90 caps) $2 off | $11.50 | 11.50 | $20.25 | 11783-3 | Yeast/Fungal Detox (90 caps) Buy 4, get 1 FREE | $54.00 | 54.00 | $101.25 | 13563-1 | Yeast/Fungal Detox (90 caps) Buy 9, get 3 FREE | $121.50 | 121.50 | $243.00 | 13630-2 | Small Intestine Detox (100 caps) $2 off | $11.25 | 11.25 | $19.90 | 13629-0 | Small Intestine Detox (100 caps) Buy 4, get 1 FREE | $53.00 | 53.00 | $99.50 | 17577-2 | Small Intestine Detox (100 caps) Buy 9, get 3 FREE | $119.25 | 119.25 | $238.80 | | Although inventories have been increased for this promotion, NSP reserves the right to discontinue any product sales due to exceedingly high demand and/or manufacturing constraints. Discounted products may not be combined with any other offer, discount or certificate. Offer valid in the U.S. only.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnosed, treat, cure or prevent any disease. | . Please let me know how I can help you best. Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator C: (817) 225-8392 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! | | | | | |
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