Book your seat now for: The United States Health Freedom Congress Hosted by the National Health Freedom Coalition June 5 & 6, 2013 Schaumburg, Illinois REGISTER NOW This historic meeting will be taking place in only three weeks! The hotel discount expires this Thursday, May 16, so now is a GREAT time to book your trip. The meeting will take place the two days before the Chicago Health Freedom Expo and is located at the same hotel. Conference Overview Wednesday, June 5 Meet and Greet (3 - 4:30 PM) Working Session (6:30 9:30 PM) Thursday, June 6 Registration (8 - 9 AM) Health Freedom Congress Assembly (9 AM - 5:30 PM) Health Freedom Awards Banquet (6 PM) (with Keynote Speaker Rosemary Gladstar) Participants will include both Voting Member Participants and Observer Participants. What is a Congress Observer? There are 60 seats available for Observers of this event. Observers will have full participation in the Meet and Greet networking event on Wednesday afternoon and the group Working Session on Wednesday evening. They will have an Observer seat on Thursday with full access to watch the Health Freedom Congress proceedings. They will not have microphone access on Thursday or be able to vote or to participate in the deliberations of the Congress on Thursday unless requested to by the Congress itself. The Observer rate also includes the Thursday evening Health Freedom Awards Banquet with an organic dinner and keynote speech by Rosemary Gladstar. Congress Observers benefits - Observe the full Congress proceedings and working session featuring 40 health freedom organizations from across the nation
- Attend the evening Health Freedom Awards Banquet with Keynote Speaker Rosemary Gladstar
- Network with health freedom advocates from across the nation
What is a Congress Voting Member? NHFC has invited organizations promoting health freedom in the United States to be Congress Voting Members. These members will convene to sit "in the round" where they will share their strengths and campaigns with each other and strategize ways to work together, strengthening the health freedom movement through unity and solidarity. How to Register Registration for Congress Observers is available now on our website. Please REGISTER HERE. More details about the meeting can found on the 2013 US Health Freedom Congress Homepage. Hotel accommodations are available at a group rate through the hotel directly (until May 16) and should be booked early to ensure a spot. We thank our generous 2013 US Health Freedom Congress Sponsors who are making this gathering possible! GOLD SPONSORS
 Sunshine Health Freedom Foundation
BANQUET SPONSORS Life Extension Foundation, Inc. Truehope Institute
PROMOTING SPONSORS Trinity School of Natural Health SUPPORTING SPONSORS FarmaSea Health LLC International Association of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) Naturally Perfect pH Miracle Sage Mountain Herbal Retreat and Botanical Sanctuary Spring Forest Qi Gong Traditional Medicinals ASSOCIATE SPONSORS Bragg Live Foods, Inc. Larry Hanus, DDS Organic Consumers Association ADDITIONAL DONORS The Herb Works National Health Federation We invite you to become a sponsor of this event to help make this great meeting of the minds possible! If you are interested in sponsoring the 2013 US Health Freedom Congress or donating your time or services, please contact Jerri Johnson at 651.688.6515 or **** Registration Questions: Judy 608.295.3827 Program Questions and Voting Member Questions: Diane 507.663.9018 Questions about becoming a Congress Sponsor: Jerri 651.688.6515  |
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