In 2009, Nature's Sunshine introduced the innovative Boomerang Air & Surface Sanitizer. The Boomerang uses advanced technology to sanitize air, killing or neutralizing particles, microbes and gases. Part of the Boomerang's success is due to the effectiveness of its patent-pending Silver+ PCO cell. Depending on air quality and the location of your unit, after approximately three years this PCO cell needs to be replaced. The time is quickly approaching to replace your unit's PCO cell.
For a limited time, Nature's Sunshine will upgrade your old unit to a new, improved Boomerang with an audible and visual alarm that indicates when the PCO cell needs to be replaced. For the low cost of $89.95, you will want to take advantage of this special offer! |  | Contact a Customer Service representative to return your current Boomerang. Once NSP receives your unit, we will send you a new one with a brand new PCO cell and audio/visual alarm.
Take advantage of this offer today. Nature's Sunshine for complete details. |
NSP reserves the right to discontinue any product sales due to exceedingly high demand and/or manufacturing constraints. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease. | Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator H: (704) 588-7638 C: (704) 458-5475 Skype: (704) 966-6645 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog!
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