A Native American herbal remedy used successfully in Canada for more than seventy years holds promise of a cure.
In 1922 nurse Rene Caisse worked in the surgery ward in an Ontario hospital where she found an elderly woman patient with a strangely scarred breast. The woman explained to nurse Caisse that thirty years earlier doctors told her she had advanced breast cancer and would need to have the breast removed. She declined the surgery. A native American friend in Ontario had offered to treat the woman's cancer with herbal medicine and she decide to accept. The man, an Ojibway herbalist, gave her the herb recipe and showed her how to make a brew of it. She drank the tea daily, and her tumors shrank and then disappeared. She was still totally cancer free two decades later as she spoke with nurse Caisse in the Ontario hospital.
Caisse obtained the recipe for herself thinking she could use it if she ever had cancer. Shortly afterward, Caisse's aunt was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer and given six months to live. Caisse asked the physician, Dr. R.O. Fisher, for permission to try the tea on her aunt, and he consented. Her Aunt drank the herbal brew daily for two months and recovered. She lived for twenty years more.
Dr. Fisher and nurse Caisse began treating cancer patients who had been diagnosed as terminal by their doctors, and many of them improved dramatically. Caisse and Fisher modified the combination of herbs somewhat and Caisse named the concoction "Essiac," which is her name spelled backwards.
In 1959 Rene Caisse introduced her Essiac formula to Dr. Charles Brusch (formerly the physician to the late John F. Kennedy) of the benefits of Essiac and they became research partners. Caisse never stopped helping those who came to her until her death in 1978. Caisse also had numerous lucrative offers for the formula, but always feared a large company would take over and that Essiac would then become less freely available to the people who needed it most. With the abundance of evidence available, why is Essiac not given more study? Is it because the herbs used are so readily available, the formula so simply that no would make money producing it?
1 tbsp. Burdock Root, cut
1 tbsp. Sheep Sorrel Herb, powdered
1/2 tsp. Turkey Rhubarb Root, powdered
1 tsp. Slippery Elm Bark
1 quart of pure water, distilled preferred
Boil the water in a stainless steel pot or pan.
Add all dry ingredients, stir and cover.
Allow to simmer for 1 hour. Stir occasionally.
Allow to cool Approximately 15 minutes.
Stir. Then strain through a course strainer into a glass jar with a tight screw type lid.
Add enough pure water to make it a full quart.
Cautions: Avoid using plastic and aluminum while preparing this formula. Never store in plastic bottles. Sunlight destroys beneficial aspects of this formula. Refrigerate - (Do not freeze).
Dosage (take on an empty stomach).
Shake to mix. A dose is two ounces of ESSIAC.
Twice a day if you are ailing.
Once each day for maintenance.
Optional if you prefer a hot drink: Add 4 ounces of hot water to 2 ounces cold ESSIAC.
Note: Store your dry herbs in your refrigerator in an air tight container.
Many people with various illness have told others about the the remarkable benefits from the Essiac recipe. There is no clinical evidence to support the effectiveness of Essiac on cancer or other diseases. It is believed to be beneficial to those suffering from Allergies, Diabetes, Fibroids, Malignancies, and the list goes on and on.
Nature's Sunshine has pure Organic High Quality ESSIAC herbal tea combination available in our E-Tea
| Benefits: Supports immunity. Helps detoxify the body systems. E-Tea® [Immune] is NSP's easy-to-use, encapsulated form of traditional Essiac Tea. Essiac tea is an herbal formula used since 1922 by Canadian nurse Rene Caisse. The formula originated from a native Ojibwa medicine man.
It is traditionally used to support immunity and help detoxify and purify the blood.
Due to the complexity of the preparation process, it would take hours for you to make this tea at home. Thanks to NSP, it is possible to provide the same herbal combination in convenient capsule form.
E-Tea contains: Burdock Root Sheep Sorrel (aerial parts) Slippery Elm bark Turkey Rhubarb root.
Adults: To drink as a tea, empty the contents of 2 capsules into 4 oz. hot water or take 2 capsules three times daily on an empty stomach.
NOTE: This product contains Turkey rhubarb. See your health care provider prior to use if: pregnant or nursing, any medical condition exists, or when taking any medication. Read and follow recommendation carefully. Not intended for prolonged use. Do not use if diarrhea, loose stools or abdominal pain are present or develop. Use of this product may worsen these conditions and be harmful to your health. Chronic diarrhea can result in serious illness. Two capsules of E-Tea are equivalent to 2 oz. traditionally brewed Essiac Tea.
Share the Health, 
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
H: 704-588-7638
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