Nature's Sunshine Products - Special Member Promotion | Receive up to $50 in FREE Product December 14-16 ONLY! | Place an order December 14-16 of at least $100* using the offer code "Gift 20," and you'll get $20 off your order!
Save $50!
When you place an order December 14-16 of at least $250* and use the promo code "Gift 50," you'll receive $50 off your order!
Shop Now! >> |  | Type the code in the offer code box online, or mention this code to the Order Sales rep on the phone (1-800-453-1422). | 1. Add at least $100 of product to your Cart (excluding discounted products).
2. Continue to Checkout.
3. Type in "Gift 20" or "Gift 50" in the box in the Offer area (in the Payment Information box).
4. Click the "apply" button to activate the offer. |  | Notes:
*To qualify, the order total (excluding discounted products) must be at least $100 (or $250) Direct Cost. QV points will also be discounted on qualifying orders.
One offer per Member account. Valid December 14-16, 2011 only.
Offer not available on Manager orders. |
..................................... | Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator H: (704) 588-7638 C: (704) 458-5475 Skype: (704) 966-6645 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! | | | |
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