Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc.
Corporate Headquarters
Provo, UT
September 15, 2008
Dear Friends,
It was so nice to see all of you at our National Convention in Washington, D.C. We enjoyed hosting this annual event in our nation's capital. It's like a big family reunion when we get together, and I always appreciate the kind words, warm smiles and friendship we share.
We continue to receive positive feedback on the convention and about the workshop speakers who presented real "meat" in their presentations. Dr. Amen, Dr. Shealy, Vince Poscente and other main stage speakers were a hit as well. We also received some suggestions that I would like to address.
- A few people mentioned that they missed having an opening banquet on the first night of convention. An opening banquet is an ideal way to start convention. We examine each convention individually and try to provide the best possible opportunities, given all of the options. Next year's convention in Las Vegas does include an opening banquet. It should be an excellent kick-off to an exciting event!
- Others mentioned the $85 registration fee. Our goal is to give you unique experiences each year. Some places cost more than others. This year's hotel required a resort fee. Your $85. registration charge covered this, which included free Internet access, free access to the fitness center, two free bottles of water daily, and free local phone access. Please note that the registration fee will be different every year based on the location and the amenities offered. Next year in Las Vegas we anticipate a lower fee.
- Some of you have expressed concerns about receiving timely notification (via first class mail) from us regarding your business and some of our incentive programs, including Sunshine Select, or product offers. As a result, we've carefully examined our processes and found that our mail is going out as scheduled.
As we look forward, several exciting opportunities await us.
- Next year's convention in Las Vegas will be outstanding, and we anticipate a larger-than-normal attendance because of the inexpensive airfare into Vegas and hotel rooms available there, not to mention the exciting entertainment. Incidentally, the Paris Hotel offers access to meeting rooms, shopping and dining from guest rooms without having to enter the casino area.
- In preparation for Leaders Conference and next year's National Convention, we plan to share information each month about convention speakers and educational topics that will get you excited about the opportunities available there. We plan to send audio or video clips from key presenters and speakers that will inspire all to attend our events.
- In an effort to provide immediate communication we'll create a place on our website that will host changes to NSP programs and policies. This page will help you stay up-to-date with even the most recent changes.
- After several years of 18-month qualification periods for TAC Trip, we are excited to announce a short, seven-month qualification period for TAC, from November 1, 2008 - May 31, 2009. The actual trip will be held in late 2009! We look forward to a great trip that will be open to Area Managers and above. Watch for details on how to qualify--coming soon. By the way, the location of next year's TAC trip will be announced on our Mediterranean cruise in October.
- We are trying something brand-new in November - Education Week! Education Week is a FREE week-long educational program offered via Webinar/Conference call. From November 1`7-21, we will offer outstanding one-hour seminars via the Web each night for five nights. The Webinars will feature some of your favorite presenters and dynamite topics you won't want to miss. After each night's topic, we'll offer terrific discounts on the products being featured. We will also give away great prizes each night to participants. Anyone who "attends" all five nights in a row will receive a handsome certificate of completion and an opportunity to enjoy exclusive discounts. Mark your calendars for November 17-21, 2008, and watch for details on times, topics and speakers.
- Finally, to end this exciting "Driven to Share" year with a bang, we are pleased to announce the "Road to National Summit" - a brand new event to be held at NSP Home Office next spring/summer. We'll invite the top 100-200 performers to participate in this first-ever event. We'll select Managers who are between Area and Sr. Divisional rank who want to reach National Manager status. Anyone can pay to attend the event, but NSP will pay to bring 100 Managers here! (Partners come at their own expense.) We will choose who to invite based on your sponsoring performance and business growth in the fourth quarter 2008. So get busy October through December, and you could win a car and a trip to the Road to National Summit! Watch for more details in your mail.
As you can see, many exciting opportunities and programs await you. Please watch for details via traditional mail, email and on our website. As we get closer to these events, our Customer Service representatives can answer any questions you may have. Remember, if you want to receive the quickest communication with Home Office, make sure we have your current email address. Just log in on our website, or call Customer Service to update your information.
In closing, remember that relationships are the key to your success, and people will always be your greatest asset. Let's make a difference by sharing this great cause of natural health and Nature's Sunshine with others.
Craig Dalley
Executive Director, U.S. Sales
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