| Hello from Health Choices Herb & Vitamin Shop! September 20, 2008
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Yeah! The weather is finally cooling down! I feel that I have came back to life! The only down side to this time of the year is the sniffles and colds! Keep your immune up, be prepared. During this time my husband and I are bumping up the Oil of Oregano, making sure not to miss our vitamins and eating properly.
ENERGETIC BODY CLASS - OCTOBER 4TH You asked for it, you got it! I will be starting a class on Oct. the 4 (Saturday) This class will be one of four. I have many to ask me to teach another class. This class on Oct the 4th From 12:00 until 3:00. This class will be on The" Energetic Body" It will teach you how to listen to your body and be aware of what changes are taken place. It will help you to make a connection of the energetic & physical body. I will be giving tips on how to help you from a natural standpoint. There are certain holds (hand placements) that can be used to stop pain and bring comfort. I will have all information printed out for you, you will each get your own packet, but please feel free to bring notepad and pen. This class will be very imformative. The cost is $ 20.00 per person. Please come in to sign up or call to save your seat. Seating will be limited so please do not wait too late.
POLARITY REFLEXOLOGY CLASS OCTOBER 18TH The next class will be Oct 18th from 12:00 until 3:00. It will be on "Polarity Refexology". Bring a friend!
The classes will be held at: The Body 1711 Cherry Road Rock Hill, SC 29732
A Natures Plus Rep will be stopping by to do a demo and give out free samples on Monday the 22nd! Stop and get yours!
Tips for building the Immune!!!
- The benefits of having a healthy immune system are legion. Without proper immune function, we quickly become the victims of disease—shortening our lives and impacting our capacity for happiness.
- Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. When we sleep, the immune system is reinforced and replenished. Even one night's sleep loss can significantly suppress the immune system.
- Eat nutritious foods " You are what you eat." Making sure your body receives only wholesome, nutritious foods* is essential for optimum immune function.
Immune-boosting foods include organically grown fruits and vegetables, wholegrains, beans and other legumes, natural oils such as expeller-pressed olive oil, flax oil and butter, free range eggs and meats/fish that have been raised without the use of antibiotics and other medications. * Brazil nuts, a rich source of selenium, are particularly good for the immune system. Selenium enhances immunity by activating glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme that inhibits the formation of free radicals and suppresses tumour growth. * Fresh Kiwis, red peppers and to a lesser extent oranges, are rich sources of vitamin C, which is required by the immune system. Vitamin C is required by immune cells to enable optimal functioning. Interestingly enough, most animals produce their own vitamin C, whereas humans do not.It has been observed by many researchers that animals produce higher levels of vitamin C when they are immune-provoked or stressed. * Avoid "unhealthy" foods Sugar and overly processed foods are foes of the healthy immune system. Sugar (including honey) suppresses many immune cells. Other unhealthy foods include those containing trans-fats, fried items, processed meats, baked goods made with white flour and foods that contain molds. * Stay as stress-free as possible Although it's easier said than done, keeping stress under control is essential for a healthy immune system. When we are stressed, our adrenal glands secrete a hormone known as cortisol. * Although cortisol is in many ways good for our bodies (it helps keep inflammation in check, for example), too much of it on an ongoing basis can create havoc. For example, when cortisol output is high, the immune system secretes interleukin 6 (IL-6), which contributes to inflammation. IL-6 is also believed to cause autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia to worsen, to cause calcium to leave the bones, and to act as a growth factor for a number of tumours. * Get enough exercise. Exercise is a wonderful immune booster and good for virtually every part of you! A program of regular, moderate exercise relieves stress and makes it easier for you to sleep at night. * Avoid alcohol and cigarettes Alcohol intake interferes with a variety of immune defenses. Research indicates that alcohol consumption is linked with certain types of cancers and infections. * Cigarette smoke (inhaled or second hand) is saturated with toxic chemicals, most of which negatively impact immune response. * Avoid excessive sun exposure Unprotected sun exposure for longer than 15 minutes is linked with immune suppression. (This is why cold sores often appear following time spent in the sun.) Always wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Be sensible though…a few minutes in the sun before 11:00 a.m. or after 4:00 p.m. will help your body produce vitamin D and not expose you to the risk of burns or immune problems. * Avoid exposure to pollutants and toxic chemicals Pollution is a major factor in immune suppression. Unfortunately, toxic chemicals are everywhere around us. Become informed! Learn to recognize harmful chemicals in the home and outside. Buy non-toxic cleaning fluids/sprays, and use natural cosmetics whenever possible.
Handy Tips! Have Grease Stains on your wallpaper? Try mixing corn starch and water and make into a paste. Rub on with a soft, clean cloth. Test this in an inconspicuous area first.
Have grease stains on your carpet? Shake some cornstarch over the grease stain and let set there overnight or at least 8 hours. Vacuum.
Cleaning Woodwork Did you know that cold tea will clean woodwork? Give it a try!
Kitchen uses for Baking Soda: Did you burn your favorite pan? Put 1/2 cup of baking soda in the pan and fill it 1/2 full with water. Set the pan on the stove, and let boil, till the burnt particles float to the top! That's what I call a self cleaning pan! :)
Do you have coffee, tea or cigarette burns on your china and ceramic ware? Just rub the stained sections with a damp cloth that has been dipped in baking soda!
Have stuck food on your casserole dishes? Fill with boiling water and add 3 tablespoons of baking soda or salt and let sit for an hour. Have a drain in your sink that is clogged? Pour 1/2 cup of baking soda over the drain, and then pour a cup of vinegar over it. Let set for a minute till it foams, then run your hot water or pour boiling water down the drain! You may need to repeat the process. Works in most simple clogs.
Have silver? Polish it to a shine with a soft cloth and some dampened baking soda placed on the cloth.
Counters or stove have stuck on grease splatters or dried food? Sprinkle baking soda on the areas, and then rub with a wet sponge. Rinse with clean sponge. I find this also works for a countertop that has grape juice or other fruit stains, too! Like before, you sometimes need to do two applications.
Here are 3 methods for you to try to remove the odors: 1. You can try freezing the empty containers. 2. You can set the containers in the sun for several hours. 3. You can put a piece of lemon in the container and put the top on. This method might take a few days.
The average life span for household appliances: Central Air Conditioner 15 Years Room Air Conditioner 12 years Clothes Dryer 18 years Washing Machine 13 years Dishwasher 12 years Refrigerator 20 years Upright Freezer 20 years Kitchen Stove 18 Y ears Water Heater 13 years
Susie Grimmett, App Health Choices 1742 Herlong Village Dr. Suite 102 Rock Hill, SC 29732 (803) 366-8070
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