Article taken from NSP Manager Extra May 2007 issue
After President Richard M. Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972, the first Chinese trade group to come to America to initiate commerce was the Chinese herbalists. In 1976, at a symposium held on the campus of California Santa Cruz, Jennifer Weiss, today a Nature's Sunshine Senior National Manager, was introduced to the concepts of Chinese herbology.
For over 30 years, Jennifer has been teaching customers, fellow NSP distributors and even NSP staff about the benefits of Chinese herbology. With her wealth of knowledge and experience, Jennifer has been instrumental in the development and promotion of some of NSP's most popular Chinese products, including the Tiao He Cleanse, Para-Cleanse, Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic and the original Nature's Chi.
On NSP's recent TAC trip to China, Jennifer, along with other top Managers and staff, had the opportunity to speak directly with traditional Chinese medical doctors and herb specialists about both old and new concepts of Chinese herbology. One of their most important findings was the widespread use of cordyceps in Chinese herbal programs. "All of the herbologists we spoke with recommend cordyceps to their clients. It is an herb for everyone," says Jennifer. "It can enhance the effects of any other supplement taken with it. We have really undervalued the benefits of NSP Cordyceps, and we need to get the word out. This product has so much potential to help people."
Cordyceps is so valued in Chinese herbology that it commands a premium price. "A bottle of cordyceps comparable to the bottles that NSP sells costs about $80 in China,"explains Jennifer, "I even saw fancy cordyceps gift packs in the Beijing airport that retailed for $700! We don't realize how good we have it to be able to purchase NSP Cordyceps for under $20."
Besides the great price, NSP Customers will also appreciate the incredible quality of our cordyceps product. Recently, NSP scientists conducted a comparative study of raw cordyceps material from several different competitors. They found that, compared to our competitor's cordyceps, NSP's formula had the highest percentages per capsule of the active constituents mannitol and adenosine.
Nature's Sunshine is committed to providing the best Chinese herbal products available. When creating your own herbal program, here are some powerful Chinese formulas you will want to consider.
A Cornerstone of Chinese Herbology
One of the first companies to make Cordyceps available in Western society, Nature's Sunshine utilizes a more environmentally friendly form of cultivated Cordyceps sinensis, which offers a more pure and consistent product than can be grown in the wild. This once rare and very expensive Chinese product is now available to everyone. Offering some of the same benefits as ginseng, Cordyceps is traditionally used to help the body build strength, endurance and stamina while offering energizing support. In addition, Cordyceps supports the kidneys and the upper respiratory tract as it promotes optimal lung function. Cordyceps may also help the body maintain proper blood viscosity and support male potency and female vitality.
Nature's Chi:
Vital Energy for Life
According to Chinese herbal tradition, chi is the vital life force or energy that flows through the body. Nature's Sunshine designed Nature's Chi to invigorate the body on a cellular level while helping to reduce the desire to eat. The 15 herbs in Nature's Chi work harmoniously to support metabolic function, boost the immune response and help manage appetite. The body is then ready to receive a boost of energy from energizing herbs in the formula: eleuthero root and ginseng root. Panax ginseng root and astragalus root improve the flow of internal energy, or chi. Tang-kuei root and fo-ti root invigorate blood circulation. Combined, these powerful ingredients can help to energize the body during physical activity without feelings of nervousness or insomnia.
Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic:
Light up Your Energy System
Minerals, with their positive and negative charges, are responsible for every electrochemical reaction in the body. Chinese Mineral-Chi Tonic features liquid macro and trace minerals extracted from the plant vegetation of an ancient sea bed. Along with this full spectrum of minerals, Mineral-Chi tonic also contains carefully combined Chinese tonic herbs to balance all of the Chinese acupuncture meridians and to help light up and balance the body's energy system. Chinese herbology teaches that when the energy meridians are in balance, the body will balance itself. Tonic herbs balance the meridians and nourish the adrenal glands-the major managers of the energy that powers the "electric" human body.
Tiao He Cleanse:
A Tradition of Health
Tiao He Cleanse is a 15-day nutritional program designed to help the body achieve tiao he - balance and harmony. It combines Chinese nutritional and Western herbal experience. The Tiao He Cleanse is designed to promote the healthy cleansing of metabolic waste from the body. It also supports intestinal regularity and may improve energy and feelings of well-being. Combining the benefits of the popular NSP products Chinese Liver Balance TCM, All Cell Detox, LBS II, Psyllium Hulls, Burdock and Black Walnut, Tiao He provides the best of Chinese and Western herbals in a gentle and effective colon cleanse.
Tei-Fu Essential Oils and Tei-Fu Massage Lotion:
An Ancient Chinese Treasure
Tei Fu Essential Oils was developed and perfected by a Chinese herbalist several decades ago. He created it using an ancient formula that was passed down in his family for more than 1,000 years. His secret formula was not for sale - a trait typical of older-generation Chinese. This descendant realized the benefits of his family secret and decided it was too good to keep from others. Nature's Sunshine became the beneficiary of thousands of years of Chinese wisdom and herbal knowledge. Tei-Fu Oils contain safflower oil, wintergreen oil, menthol, camphor, clove, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils, which can help to invigorate the mind and stimulate the respiratory system; offer cleansing, refreshing and softening properties; and contain mood enhancing scents. Our Tei-Fu massage lotion provides the same oils in a penetrating lotion for muscles that need stimulation.

Learn more about Traditional Chinese Medicine at upcoming Untold Truth seminars. Visit this link to find dates and locations.
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