by Darlyn Britt
Simple, appropriate supplementation can go a long way in helping to defend the body's system against environmental and health issues that might otherwise compromise well-being. Supporting the circulatory and immune systems, maximizing digestion and cleansing the body of waste all help to maintain a good heath outlook.
Check out these hand-selected products that represent an important part of your health arsenal.
Our newest product, Super Trio, combines the best multivitamin/mineral, a powerful and unique antioxidant formula, and omega-3 essential fatty acids in one convenient packet. Getting your daily nutrition has never been simpler. Don't let nutritional deficits affect your health and vitality. Start your day with Super Trio and boost your well-being and longevity.
Stock #20-5 (30 Day) - Member Price $$49.95
Our best-selling product, Thai-Go contains deep, colorful fruits including mangosteen, red grapes and skins, raspberries and blueberries, plus poerful herbs that neutralize free radicals to minimize cellular damage. Its very high bioflavonoid content supports cardivascular health and circulatory function.
Thai-Go has an ORAC value (a measurement of oxidant-quenching ability) like no other product on hte market. And it tastes delicious, so you look forward to taking it every day. Thai-Go fans describe feelings of increased energy, better well-being and circulatory fortitude in their comments to Home Office.
Stock #4095-1 (2-25 fl.oz) - Member Price $51.95
A healthy intestinal system contains trillions of friendly microorganisms that help break down food and make nutrients more available to our bodies. In addition to digestive help, these friendly "flora" also help keep a healthy balance between the good guys and any bad guys that may enter our system from the air we breathe and the food and liquids we take in. Promoting immunity in our bodies is vital considering the onslaught of germs and harmful agents in our food and environment.
Certain strains of these helpful bacteria, including Lactobacillus acidophilus, L.casei, L.rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium longum, are found in this formula. Taking 2 capsules a day is a smart way to herlp replenish depleted supplies of your microscopic friends.
Stock #4080-4 (90) - Member Price $17.25
Improper digestion can lead to trouble for the digestive and intestinal system, including malnourishment, constipation, imbalanced pH and other worries. Digestive enzymes help break down food into tiny particles that can be used by the body for energy and nutritoinal support to body processes. Proper enzymes may also aid the body's natural healing processes.
NSP Food Enzymes, one of our best-selling products, is a blend of betain hydrochloride, bile salt, bromelaine, lipase, alph-amylase, pancreatin, papain, and pepsin to aid in the proper digestion of all food types - proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Stock #1836-9 (120) - Member Price $15.50
Our highly processed, white-flour diet has made America a nation of constipation. As unpleasant as that is, the real damge comes froma lack of proper toxin removal from the body. A clogged, dirty bowel can lead to reabsorption of unhealthful matter into the cells, and buildup of this can cause all sorts of unpleasantness.
Nature's Three is a bulk fiber supplement made from psyllium, oat fiber and apple fiber. It provides 1 gram of soluble fiber and 1 gram of insoluable fiber per serving to help maintain a healthy "flow" of material through the colon. Soluble fiber combines with liquid to help create bulk in the waste, while insoluble fiber is lilke a scouring sponge, cleaning the intestinal walls as it moves along intact. Both as essentail to proper waste removal and good bowel health.
Stock #1345-0 (12.3 oz) - Member Price $19.55
Like a shield defends its bearer against an enemy, particles of silver can help the body defend against unwanted and harmful microscopic invaders. Studies have shown that pure silver is extremely effective in supporting the immune system. Silver Shield with qua Sol Technology provides 14 ppm of silver that stays suspended in deionized water. Put the power of our unique colloidal silver to work for you!
Stock #4074-7 (4 fl.oz.) - Member Price $20.95
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