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Saturday, October 16, 2004

UNTOLD TRUTH SEMINAR Module 4 - Notes & Specials thru 10/20/04

UNTOLD TRUTH SEMINAR Module 4 - Notes & Specials

UNTOLD TRUTH SEMINAR Module 4 - Notes & Specials
- Colon in Crisis: The Secret Source of Disease

Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea and heartburn aren't just inconveniences...they are warnings.
* Colorectal deaths are the second largest cause of cancer deaths in theU.S.
* Women over 75 are more likely to die of colon cancer than breast cancer
* Obesity increases your odds for colon cancer by 25-35% (American Institutefor Cancer Research)
* Only 25% of Americans eat the recommended 5+ daily servings of fruits andvegetables, which are high in fiber, anti-oxidants, and promote colonhealth. (American Cancer Society)

Colon Health Risks:
1. Family history of polyps or colon cancer
* More than two generations affected...
* At least three family members have suffered from the disease...
* If at least one was under 50...
* Your risk is increased by 66%!!
2. Eat red meat 2x or more/week
* Diets rich in animal fats increase your risk
* Limit red meats and choose 5 servings of fruits and veggies instead (high in> antioxidants and decrease disease-causing inflammation)
* Whole grains, brown rice, beans, seeds, and nuts also great cancer-fighters
3. Use tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs
* Smokers are 30-40% more likely to die of colon cancer than non-smokers
* Colon cancer has been linked to alcohol consumption (in inhibits folic acid> absorption)
4. Over age 50
* More than 90% of people diagnosed with colorectal cancer are over 50
* Not due to age alone, but decades of constipation and poor diet finally yielding disease
5. Overweight
* Weight that gathers in your waist area particularly increases risk
* This fat sends chemical signals that trigger inflammation, a known cause of cancer
6. Diabetic, or lead a sedentary lifestyle
* Risk is 50% higher in diabetic population * Cancer mortality is also 50% higher
7. Regularly constipated or have hardening of solid waste in your colon
* Bacteria and toxins in your waste stay in your body longer
* Can be reabsorbed into your body and give rise to gases and unhealthy organisms or parasites
8. Bloating, gas or excessive fullness after meals
* Food isn¹t being broken down properly
* Inadequate digestive enzymes or insufficient stomach acid
9. Pain in the lower esophagus with swallowing
* Esophageal spasm is typical due to recurrent acid reflux from the stomach
* Causes: low digestive enzymes, between-meal stomach acidity, and/or poor> diet
10. "Acid heartburn" feeling in stomach, with or without meals
* Persistent acidity between meals due to digestive enzyme deficiency
* Most often caused by overeating highly processed, refined foods
11. Bowel movements "float" or appear greasy
* Malabsorption of fats
* Lipase enzymes from the pancreas are not digesting fats well
12. Bowel movements contain large pieces of undigested food
* Inadequate enzymes or
* Eating too fast
13. Bloody or back-colored stool
* Strong warning sign of bleeding ulcer
* Bloody stool = duodenal ulcer
* Black stool = stomach ulcer
* Unhealthy bacteria is usually also present
14. Painful bowel movements (with or without blood)
* May be caused by rectal inflammation
* Fissure or
* External hemorrhoid
15. Lower intestinal cramping associated with meals
* Indicates irritable bowel syndrome
* Crohn¹s disease
* Ulcerative colitis
* Or weakened tissues that make you susceptible to one of the above

Nearly 90% of all degenerative disease begins in the digestive tract
Keep it healthy from a digestive and an eliminatory standpoint!!
Need antioxidants for a healthy immune system
You can have a clean colon
Toxins don't just pass through

Heartburn isn't caused by too much acid, but insufficient acid!
Think about eating a hamburger with insufficient stomach ­ grains & sugar (bun) fermenting in digestive tract, bloating and gas bubbles, then trying to digest the meat, so the stomach bulges up into the esophagus and results in acid reflux, which can lead to cancer and more.
If you don't have enough acid, not only can you not digest your food, but parasites can thrive. Start multiplying, move out into the organs and into the body.
(Pick liver flukes off the liver during surgery, No, leave it there, they'll be back) .
What's Wrong with Antacids?
* Americans spend more than $110 billion per year without treating the problem.
* 60% of the immune system is found in the gastrointestinal tract.

One bowel movement per day is NOT enough!
3 meals a day x 7 = 21 meals
Avg. bowel transit time is 72 hours; if you have one per day you have only 7 bowel movements So you¹ve had 21 trains go in and only 7 trains come out --- you've got a problem!
What happens to all of those toxins and poisons?
33 y/o schizophrenic - colon should be 2.5 inches wide, this man's was 12 inches in diameterProtruding abdomen??? You're full of poopy!
Two Key Risks Associated with Infrequent Elimination
* Stagnant toxins in waste material are reabsorbed into your body, attacking your immune system and rendering you more vulnerable to disease
* Hard, packed waste that doesn't quickly exit your system will damage your digestive tract, causing fissures, hemorrhoids, polyps and potentially cancer.
If you take Nature's Three ­ drink water!!

Your diet determines whether your colon is a clean-flowing drain or an infested swamp
* Greasy bacon (PIGS ARE FULL OF PARASITES) (breakfast)
* White bread
* glass of water
* candy bar for a snack (wax and all) Great for a bowel movement ­ we call this a candle suppository
* diet coke - lunch
* cheeseburger fermenting
* ice cream sundae

Try sticking a piece of bread to the top of your mouth and eat your entiremeal ­ it sticks there so well, and won't move!! Think about that being in your colon!

What can I do different?
* Balance blood sugar
* Increase fiber - Double your fiber intake ­ decrease your cancer risk by 40%.
* Get the nutrients we need
* Take processed foods out of your diet
* Protective effect greatest on the left side of the colon, where most cancersoriginate.
* IMPLANT for IBS or diverticulitis, etc. (Large 2-oz. syringe)
* Aloe vera juice with up to 10 caps of probiotics, and some liquidchlorophyll (empty powder out of capsules)
* Do a clean water enema; use some warm water and get the colon to eliminate. Insert into the rectum with cool water. Lay down on your right side for ten minutes, then lay on your back OR ­ go to sleep, and be relaxed.
* If someone is very sick, and can't keep anything down, get their nutrients
into them that way; 70% of nutrients are absorbed in the intestines
* Coffee enemas are great; remove poisons from the liver

Fiber in foods:
Baked Beans 1 cup = 18.6 grams
Peas 11.3 gms/cup
Broccoli tops 5.6 gms/cup
Brussel sprouts 6.5 gms/cup
Spinach 3.5 gms/cup
Banana 1 med. 5.9 gms/cup

Your Colon is Your "Second Brain"
The Brain and Gut work together. We need to take care of the gut first.
Emotional distress has been linked with changes in the nerve pathway that helps control gut function, in a study of 34 women with chronic constipation.

How They Are Connected
* The truth is our bodies do plenty of thinking with our guts
* There are more than 100 billion nerve cells in the gut
* Early dementia ­ missing B12

LIFELONG COLON HEALTH THE NATURAL WAY: (see above specials for these products)
1) LBS II ­ Helps stimulate the production of digestive fluids and bile to promote peristaltic action and calming in the colon.
* Cascara sagrada ­ called sacred bark by Spanish settlers in early western America. Known for its natural laxative effects.
* Buckthorn ­ increases bile flow, peristalsis and mucous
* Licorice ­ soothers mucous membranes and relaxes spasms
* LBS II + probiotic + fiber = long, brown, smooth experience

2) CLEAN START ­ Designed to help cleanse and detoxify the body safely while increasing daily fiber
* Psyllium hulls- A mild, bulk-forming laxative
* Aloe vera juice - Contains aloin, which helps support intestinal muscle tone.
* Chlorophyll - Helps fight off odors like halitosis and body odor. works like Beverly Nichols' cleanse

  • 2 Tbsp. Hydrated bentonite; 2 Tbs. Chlorophyll; mix in 4 ozs. of juice and 4 ozs. of water [apple juice works the best; mix in 1 T. psyllium hulls or Nature's Three; mix well and drink immediately. Follow with 8 ozs. ofwater and 2-4 capsules of cascara sagrada
  • extreme bitter, causes thebowels to contract; Nature¹s Three is a mucilagent and is very soothing.
  • Drink first thing in the morning twice a day for 90 days.

* Beverly had lupus, leukemia, and another form of cancer; looked like she was 35, she was actually 49 years old; after two weeks, there was five feet worth of garbage.
* You will have so much energy you won't believe it!)
* Over time it is better than a colonic, which goes five feet into the colon; this will impact the whole intestine, both small and large.
* This is good with IBS; but you should add magnesium, because those people have very stressed colons, and that is a muscle relaxer.

3) PARA CLEANSE WITH PAW PAW - Parasites? Do a parasite cleanse five days before a full moon because parasites are more active with the full moon just as many things in nature are. Designed to rid the body of parasites while improving digestion andabsorption
* Paw Paw‹Has powerful anti-parasitic abilities.
* Caprylic Acid‹Helps relieve the symptoms of an overabundance of yeast.
* Pumpkin Seed‹Improves digestion while soothing inflamed tissue andfighting bacterial infections.

4) BOWEL DETOX ­ one product that is pretty inclusive that does a good jobwith the colon
* Contains vitamins, minerals, enzymes and herbs to help with intestinalcleansing and maintenance
* Pepsin - Key to digestion of dietary protein
* Apple Pectin - Helps speed up bowel transit time.
* Marshmallow - Helps soothe inflamed tissue.
* Charcoal - Helps absorb toxins.

5) INTESTINAL SOOTHE AND BUILD ­ mucilage family; very soothing. Designed to soothe an inflamed gastro intestinal tract and promote healing
* Plantain herb - Soothes inflammation and absorbs toxins.
* Rose hips - Rich in bioflavonoids and vitamin C
* Slippery elm bark - Helps reduce irritation.
* Bugleweed herb - Helps control bleeding and tighten tissues.

Below are a few extra specials for this week, which were announced on this months Teleconference call.

Member's -You will need to order these via phone through order sales dept. (current member's only). If your membership is not current and you really would like to order some of these just call me and I can drop ship the products to you.


(see below for product details)

LBS II 4/1 (Buy4/Get1free) 42.60/48.80 44.60 83.50
LBS II $2 OFF 8.65/10.20 9.15 16.70
INTEST SOOTHE & BLD 4/1 27.40/34.80 34.00 63.75
INTEST SOOTHE &BLD $1 OFF 5.85/7.70 7.50 12.75
BOWEL DETOX 4/1 58.20/66.20 60.60 113.50
BOWEL DETOX $2 OFF 12.55/14.55 13.15 22.70
CLEANSTART 4/1 160.00/175.80 175.80 329.50
CLEANSTART $2 OFF 38.00/41.95 41.95 65.90
CLEANSTART-CITRUS 4/1 160.00/175.80 175.80 329.50
CLEANSTART-CITRUS $2 OFF 38.00/41.95 41.95 65.90
PARACLEANSE W/PAWPAW 4/1 55.00/67.80 67.80 127.25
PARA CLEANSE W/PAWPAW $2 OFF 11.75/14.95 14.95 25.45


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