- | September Specials | - | Upcoming Events | - | Great Product Savings | - | Manager News | | | | | I love fall for its bountiful harvest, brilliant colors and back-to-school vibe. It's true that no matter your age, you can always keep learning something new and sharing that knowledge with others. I invite you to take advantage of every opportunity NSP has for you this month to learn, and to help qualify yourself and your group for the I-Inspire cruise! Take advantage of 3 Mega Bonus Offers in September! | | |  | Product premiums allow members to experience top-selling and/or limited edition products with a qualifying purchase. This month, place an order of $200 or more, and get a FREE Liquid Chlorophyll ES (16 fl. oz.) AND Super Supplemental Vitamins and Minerals. Try something new! See for yourself why so many NSP customers love Chlorophyll! (Members only). |  | For a limited time, earn BONUS, DOUBLE and even TRIPLE the Cruise points. Plus, earn the "NEW" I-Inspire HEALTH Achiever Award which includes free product, cash and other fantastic prizes. There's never been a better time to get inspired and be rewarded. Watch how fast BONUS points will move you up the "leader board," which means you can dramatically change your cruise experience. Remember there's something for everyone with the I-Inspire program. Learn how you can receive a $100 spa voucher, or one of the following prizes: a 7-day Caribbean cruise, $1,000 cash, travel certificates and more for participating in this extraordinary promotion! Click here for details.
|  | Leading NSP managers will share their strategies and best practices with you all week long with live Webinars during Success Week. Discover proven strategies in multiple business methods so you can more effectively share Nature's Sunshine with everyone around you. It might just open up a whole new world!
Register for FREE . Tune in live to win free prizes! Read more>>> |  |
Don't miss these amazing speakers: - Bob Proctor (author, speaker, featured on The Secret)
- Dr. Deanna Minich (nutrition educator, herbal expert and scientist)
- Leadership guru and best-selling author Steve Farber
- Musician/comedian Mike Rayburn
- Dr. Matt Tripp, NSP's new Chief Scientific Officer
Plus top managers will share business strategies and success stories. And witness the launch of a brand-new nervous system product that will spell hope for millions of people. Sign up by Sept. 13 for best pricing! Join us in Las Vegas October 9-12 to begin to maximize your leadership potential. Click here for details. |  | is just six months away and we are so excited. Transformational health expert Dr. Mark Hyman will be our keynote speaker in Cincinnati next March! Dr. Hyman is a world-renowned, award-winning leader, best-selling author and speaker, and much more. Like you, he is focused on the root cause of illness, and he has devised a groundbreaking whole-systems approach called Functional Medicine. NSP is thrilled to have him join us for our National Convention March 25-29. Stay tuned for other big announcements about Convention 2014 coming soon! | • | SAVE up to 25% on selected weight management solutions through Sept. 15. Stock up-and share-SmartMeal all three flavors, Dieter's Cleanse and Thyroid Activator. We've got brand-new SmartMeal 2- and 4-packs to better fit your weight management program! Check your email for other great specials all month long! Read more here>>> | • | Our Daily Essentials emphasis this month is antioxidants. Save up to 25% on Super ORAC and CurcuminBP through Sept. 30. Super ORAC blends eight powerful antioxidants into one terrific capsule for body-wide benefits. CurcuminBP is our powerful new single that encourages a healthy inflammatory response after exercise or muscle overuse and supports your immune, circulatory and glandular systems.
Plus, get FREE Curcumin marketing materials when you buy 9 and get 3 FREE! | Lori Garcia is an Area Manager in Española, N.M. She transformed her health with the help of Nature's Sunshine products.
In 1999, Lori found herself at the pinnacle of success in her field. As a paralegal, she was preparing a case that would be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court. She was also a mother of two, and after weaning her second child, she found herself with a litany of health conditions that the doctors didn't know how to help. Lori ended up on disability, largely immobile, on myriad medications and shopping for pants and shoes out of catalogs clearly meant for the elderly, yet she was just 34 years old! When she was asked to sign a consent form to get into a NIH study at UCLA, releasing them from any liability should death occur, she decided it was time to make some changes.
Lori had already made some dietary changes, and when a friend introduced her to Nature's Sunshine she was ready to try natural health. Her regimen consisted of Food Enzymes, Bowel Detox, Master Gland Formula, Nutri-Calm®, Co-Q10 and Super ORAC. When she saw major leaps in her health and well-being, she was sold and began sharing with neighbors and friends.
Today Lori owns an herb and yoga shop where she offers nutritional consultations and teaches yoga.
| | Frank and Irene Miesse, National Managers with NSP in Springfield, Ohio, had a fire in their home last month most likely caused by an electrical short in a de-humidifier in their basement.
The interior of their beautiful colonial style home was destroyed. It could take up to six months for cleaning and repairs to be completed. Fortunately no one was injured in the fire.
Miesse's Herbs, located next door to their home, was not damaged in the fire. Office manager Bonnie Dantzer said that the Miesses had recently purchased a rental property next door where they are living during the cleaning and repairs.
We send our best wishes to the Miesses at this time. |  | | For six straight years, Nature's Sunshine has been recognized by Interactive Health Solutions as one of the Healthiest Companies in America. That means NSP employees are taking charge-and taking care-of their health. You can be proud of your association with a company whose employees are devoted to being healthy. | Have a terrific September, and I hope to see you at Leaders Conference in October!
Doug Jensen, Director of Sales, U.S. & Canada | If you are not yet a Nature's Sunshine Member, please make your first order on my website so you will join my group. Please let me know how I can help you best. Share the Health,  Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist Natural Health Educator C: (817) 225-8392 Check out my Health & Nutrition Blog! | | | |
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