Each of us sees spring differently, depending on
where we live in this great country. But for many
of us, March 20, the official start of spring, brings
green growth on trees and in the soil as buds appear
and bulbs send forth green shoots, providing signs of
life in things that lay dormant all winter. Springtime
renews hopeboth in warmer temperatures and in our
capacity to accomplish much.
Plants and their various parts usually contain
enzymes (digestive aid), vitamins, fiber and a variety
of antioxidants not found in non-plant material.
Nature's Sunshine offers a terrific selection of GREEN
products that purvey life-giving energy and nutrition to
the body's cells. Four of these are featured here.
Liquid Chlorophyll
An NSP manager favorite for ages, this minty fresh
concentration of greens from the chlorophyll-rich
mulberry leaf provides energizing nutrition to the
body and its cells. Deodorizing chlorophyll supports
digestion and promotes a healthy, happy intestinal
system. And its great spearmint flavor may spark your
This blue-green algae grows in fresh waters
around the world. Neither a plant nor animal in pure
classification, it contains protein, including all eight
essential amino acids, plus valuable minerals, enzymes
and chlorophyll. Spirulina supports the nervous system
Ultimate GreenZone
A blend of 30 different nutrientsincluding flax,
spirulina, chia, chlorella, alfalfa, spinach and broccoli
this formula supports intestinal health and immunity while
providing amazing nutrition. Capsulated GreenZone is
easy to swallow for those who may not enjoy the taste of
green liquids. The powder provides 7 grams of protein per
What Makes Our GreenZone "Ultimate"?
This ultra-green formula contains amaranth seed, brown
rice, flax seed, spirulina algae, fructo-oligosaccharides,
quinoa seed, flax seed hull lignans, chia seed, chlorella
algae, millet seed, alfalfa leaf and stem juice concentrate,
licorice root, soy lecithin, carrot root, lemongrass aerial
parts, papaya fruit concentrate, artichoke leaves, spinach
leaves and stems, broccoli flowers, kale leaves, asparagus
stems, red beet root extract, bromelain (from pineapple fruit
extract), chicory root, acerola fruit extract, horsetail stem
and strobilus, lemon bioflavonoid extract, sodium copper
chlorophyllin, parsley leaves and pau d'arco bark extract.
Nature's Harvest
Our fabulously green protein-rich drink
powder turns 1 year old this month! Happy
Birthday! Nature's Harvest continues to be
popular for its great taste and awesome nutritional profile,
which features:
Nutrient-dense plants, fruits and herbs for health and
13 grams of protein per serving (from peas and beans)
An amazingly powerful blend of antioxidants from
colorful fruits plus Japanese matcha
75% of the Daily Value of 18 essential vitamins and
And it's certified vegan, dairy-free, lactose-free and
TIP: Blend 2 scoops with 1 cup pineapple juice, ½
Nature's Harvesta Bounty of Nutrition!
Nature's Harvest is full to the brim with wonderful
nutrients that provide nutrition and energy, and protect the
Green and Whole Food Blend: amaranth, brown rice
grain, spirulina, quinoa, flax seed hull lignans, chia,
chlorella, millet, alfalfa, carrot, broccoli, rice bran and rice
germ, artichoke, spinach, asparagus, kale, beet, parsley,
Vegetable Protein Blend: pea protein, adzuki beans, black
beans, garbanzo beans, rice protein [from brown rice]
Antioxidant Fruit Blend:
mangosteen, goji, watermelon,
blueberry, cranberry, grape skin, grape seed, pomegranate,
acerola, lemon bioflavonoid
Herbal Blend: ceremonial grade matcha, lemongrass,
chicory, horsetail
Fiber Blend: short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides, soluble
dietary vegetable fiber, pea fiber, bamboo fiber
Enzyme Blend: papaya, plant-derived proteolytic enzyme,
Natural Sweeteners: fructose, stevia, brown rice syrup
and natural flavors
Essential Fatty Acids: flax seed, borage oil
This spring, go green to support your intestinal system and for superior overall health and energy! Share this information with your members!
Download Full Magazine (PDF)
Read More about each of the Products listed in the Article above on my website www.mynsp.com/herbsplus
Thank you for being part of my Nature's Sunshine Group. Please let me know how I can help you best!
Share the Health, 
Karen Herrmann-Doolan, NSP District Manager
Nature's Sunshine Herb Specialist
Natural Health Educator
C: (817) 225-8392
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