Prerequisite: Join or create a positive support group
Limit your association with “toxic” people.
1. Acknowledge the positive past.
- Heal the past. Forgive yourself and others. Join a 12 step program.
- Do work on Healing your “inner child."
- Acknowledge your past success. Acknowledge the successes of others.
- Review your successes daily. Do the Mirror Exercise every night.
- List your successes. Keep a “Victory Log.”
- Talk about your successes with others.
2. Use Positive Self Talk.
- Have a positive “I Can” Attitude.
- Have an attitude of 100% responsibility.
- Use affirmations.
- Use “No matter what you say or do to me, I’m still a worthwhile person.”
3. Acknowledge and Affirm Your Strengths.
- Acknowledge your own strengths…. Inventory your assets.
- Ask others for feedback as to your strengths.
- Acknowledge others. Give away what you want to receive.
4. Clarify Your Purpose and Your Vision.
- Discover/choose your life purpose & your mission. (A mission that motivates.)
- Clarify your vision.
- Prioritize and focus… “Clarity is power.”
- You can be successful doing what you love to do!
- Share your vision. This energizes it and enrolls the support of others.
5. Plan Your Future – Set Goals and Objectives.
- SET GOALS – realistic yet also challenging. Stre-e-etch.
- WRITE THEM DOWN. BE SPECIFIC. Keep a “Future Diary.”
- Ask “WHAT?” not “HOW?” Your subconscious will figure out the how.
- Set yearly/monthly/weekly/daily measurable objectives.
- Acknowledge and handle the considerations, fears and roadblocks.
- Daily: the morning mirror exercise – declaring your day.
6. Visualize and Affirm Your Desired Outcomes.
- Utilize the power of words and imagery
- Put ten or more affirmations on 3x5 cards, repeat them 3 times daily.
- Daily visualization – three times a day for five minutes. (morning, noon, bedtime)
- The power of expectation. Become an “inverse paranoid.”
- Create treasure maps. Use Polaroid pictures of yourself with your goal completed. All of these stimulate the reticular activating system in your brain. Cooperate with your brain functioning.
7. Act to Create it.
- Remember E-R=O…To get a different result, you must do something different.
- Act as if .—“fake it ‘til you make it.”
- Feel the fear and do it anyway.
- “Oh what the heck go for it anyway.“ Do whatever it takes.
- Use the Five Minute Phobia Cure
- SatisfACTION… To get satisFACTION, take ACTION.
- ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK, ASK…for what ever you want.
- “Winners are those people who make a habit of doing the things losers are uncomfortable doing.”—Ed Foreman
8. Respond to Feedback.
- Look for feedback, solicit feedback, and be willing to see and hear the feedback that is there…from staff, partners, and clients (as well as internal feedback 0 feelings, physical sensations and inner voices – from yourself.)
- Take corrective action when you are “off course.” Also use the aikido approach.
- “Ready, Fire, Aim.” Take action, then correct based on the feedback you receive.
- Be flexible. Be creative. Try new methods constantly.
9. Persevere.
- Keep on keeping on. Never give up!
- There is no such thing as failure. There are only opportunities for learning. “You can only learn more.” Failure is just a step toward success.
- The average millionaire in America has gone bankrupt 3.5 times on his/her way to becoming a millionaire. There are 100,000 millionaires in America.
- Reinforce your new learned attitudes with books and cassette tapes, daily. Reprogram your unconscious or your unconscious will program you. Constantly expose your mind to positive thoughts.
10. Reap the Rewards and Celebrate Your Success.
- If you persevere, the results will show up.
- Remember you deserve it.
- Keep a Joyful and Triumphant Fund – Collect $100 bills for every “Joyful and Triumphant experience you have. After you reach a certain figure, spend it on your own upliftment.
- Remember to have “The attitude of gratitude.”
- Thank all who have contributed to your success.
- Remember “If you prosper others, they will prosper you.”
- Good luck! And please write to me and share your success in using these techniques with me.
©1995 Self-Esteem Seminars • 6035 Bristol Parkway • Culver City • CA 90230 • (310) 337-9222
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