Frankincense and Myrrh Pure Essential OIls
in Biblical times and are just as relevant today.
We all know the story of the 3 Wise Men that came from the East bearing gifts of Gold, Frankincense & Myrrh. Some biblical historians think there may have actually been more than 3 that followed the star to the Bethlehem, birth place of Jesus. The bible never mentions specifically 3 Wise Men, but 3 gifts.
Gold was and is a precious and valuable metal, but why were Frankincense and Myrrh considered so valuable? In the NY Times best seller, The Maker’s Diet, author Jordan Rubin writs this about Frankincense & Myrrh:
Frankincense ( Boswellia carteri ) In Biblical times, frankincense was used as a holy anointing oil, to enhance meditation, for embalming, and in perfume. Frankincense was used to anoint the newborn sons of kings and priests, which may have been why it was brought to baby Jesus. Today it is used to help maintain normal cellular regeneration, to stimulate the body’s immune system, and as an aid to people suffering from cancer, depression, allergies, headache, herpes, bronchitis, and brain damage resulting from head injuries.
Myrrh ( Cistus inanus or Commiphora erythraea)
According to r. Duke, there are 135 varietites of myrrh found throughout Africa and Arabia. Myrrh oil was used in the purification of Esther and other virgin candidates to prepare them to appear before King Xerxes. ( See Esther 2:12.) It was administered both as oils for the exterior and as edible substances for internal cleansing. Persian kings even wore myrrh in their crowns. This expensive, fragrant herb was used to make the holy anointing oil used in the tabernacle of Moses and was one of the gifts given to Jesus Christ by the Magi.
Myrrh was a cure –all treatment in Mesopotamia, Greece, and the Roman Empire. Myrrh used in a mouthwash can stop infections, an the herb is an effective treatment for bronchial and vaginal infections. Myrrh contains a compound called "furanosesquiterpenoid", which deactivates a protein in cancer cells that resists chemotherapy, according to researchers at Rutgers University. This compound has proven effective against leukemia, breast cancer, and cancers of the prostate, ovaries, and lungs.
Click on these links to purchase Nature's Sunshine Products Frankincense and Myrrh Pure Essential Oils and to find more information on Other NSP Essential oils and Aromatherapy
The above information was taken from an email from a company, who by the way spammed my email account. Although I do not appreciate the spam, I found this info interesting and thought I would share it with all of you.
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